Friday, August 23, 2019

The Positive Affects of Arts Education for Special Education Students Essay

The Positive Affects of Arts Education for Special Education Students - Essay Example They are not only striving to find out the impact of arts education on students with special needs but also on students with no special needs. The realization of the importance of art education for improving cognitive skills of students has encouraged educational institutions to organize and promote art activities for students. It has also encouraged institutions to promote art education in formal and non-formal settings. The significance of art education to improve cognitive skills has been recognized internationally. Its importance is evident from the fact that the Director Journal of UNESCO appealed on November, 1999 to promote Arts Education and Creativity at schools (Iwai). It has been proved through research projects that the introduction of arts as proper education can promote aesthetic development of individuals. Based on this study, educational institution can make arts education an important constituent of their system. It will improve the overall performance of students in schools. According to a study conducted on two hundreds and fifteen pre-kindergarten students and two hundred and eight kindergarten students in Tel Aviv, Israel and Ohio, in the United States, it has been found that art education can actually result in aesthetic development of students. During this study, these students went through various visual activities. It was found through this study that students of pre-kindergartens and kindergartens who went through these activities under the supervision of their teachers achieved greater aesthetic development as compared to students who were without the supervision of teachers. Since arts education can successfully develop cognitive skills of children from a pre-kindergarten age, so it can be concluded that addition of arts in the formal education system will successfully result in personality development of students. It will also help students strengthen their long term memory, focus, and attention (Iwai). According to the Art for USA organization, neuroscientists from seven universities across the world have advanced the understandings of the effect of art on learning of students. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the impact of arts education on improving the overall education standard. The research does not only intend to find out how the addition of arts education can potentially improve the education standard but also to find out its impact on the cognitive development of students. It has been found through studies that with the help of arts, students develop focus and attentions skills. It also promoted memory retrieval among students. Therefore it can be concluded that art can not only enhance cognitive skills of students but can also help them in other forms of learning. So, art is necessary for the cognitive development of both students with special needs as well as students with no special needs. Scientists have conducted brain imaging studies as well as behavioral assessments to evaluate the ef fectiveness of arts education for students. With the help of research, it has been found that various forms of art can actually result in cognitive development of students. According to studies, music can help students improve geometric representation skills. The education of music can contribute to the cognitive development of students by enhancing their reading skills and sequence learning. Acting is also an important part of arts. Acting arts help students imp

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