Saturday, May 23, 2020

Strength, Personality, and Behavioral Style Assessments ...

Strength, Personality, and Behavioral Style Assessments Motivation In my paper regarding Strength Finder 2.0 assessment (Rath) I came to understand how valuable various assessments are in the development of my leadership abilities. About a year ago I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment (The Myers Briggs Foundation); I was identified as an ENTJ and ENFJ (split personality). I recently took another assessment dealing with my behavioral style (Style Analysis). The strength finder 2.0 defined my top five leadership strengths; the Myer- Briggs defined my personality; and this new assessment defined my style behavior. These assessments are very valuable in knowing who I am as a leader. But leadership is about getting others†¦show more content†¦The title of his presentation was Coaching Diverse Styles (Begley). The assessment defines your behavioral style in one of four categories; compliance, dominance, influence and steadiness. The focus of the presentation was in using the assessment to not just understand your ‘behaviora l style’ but to understand the behavioral style of others. The ability to lead requires us to motivate others. Understanding these assessments provides us with a vehicles and means to motivate and lead. Different approaches work for different people, due to culture, educational, skills, behavioral style and other attributes. We must understand what motivate others. Phil recommends that if one must address someone in a difficult situation, such as a performance management situation, to think of one good quality or something that you appreciate about that person. If you can’t, get them off the bus. Jim Collins wrote in his book, Good to Great, (Collins) that a level 5-leader will credited his employees for the success of the organization. Collins also expressed that if you have the right people on the bus, you don’t have to worry about motivation. Assessments are tools to assist identifying the right person to get on the bus and as important, getting them into the right seat. Or as Phil stated, get them off the bus. Phil also stated that when one recognizes another’s style and approaches them accordingly, we are honoring that person. Like if someone goes to France and speaksShow MoreRelatedProfessional Development Plan For An Organization1400 Words   |  6 Pagesassess his or her skills, strengths, weaknesses, and necessary resources needed to assist them reaching their career goals. The dynamic element of this plan is to empower each person with a strategy on how to become a successful person along with retaining his or her position for an extended period. DISC Assessment In week one of the organizational leadership conference all of the members of â€Å"Learning Team B† was tasked to take the DISC Platinum Rule behavioral style assessment. 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