Friday, May 31, 2019

Sophocles Antigone - Creons Flaws :: Antigone essays

Antigone Creons Flaws In the play Antigone, I choose Creon to be the tragic hero because he is the King of Thebes and he looses everything he has. Creon being King makes the audience believe that something like that can happen to the King then what can happen to us. Antigone the niece of Creon, The sister of Polyneices was punished by Creon for sepulture Polyneces after his death, Creon has forbidden anybody to do so. Once Creon punished Antigone the blind prophet Teiresias told him that the Gods will take revenge for his actions, then Creon essay to change everything tho he is too late. Creons tragic flaws were his stubbornness, the abuse of power and the actions he took to cause the downfall of the Thebes. Creon showed his stubbornness by non commanding to be proved wrong because of pride. When the Choragos tried to tell Creon that he made a mistake by telling that nobody can burry the body of Polyneices. Creon did not want to listen to the throng of Thebes who tried to tell him that Antigone did the right thing, but of fear to Creon the could not really say anything. Creon thought by making an example of Antigones execution, everybody would get scared and wont approximate to brake his laws. It actually worked for a while. Creon abused his power by thinking that he can change or brake the laws of the Gods and not allowing other heap to brake his laws. He did not want to burry Polyneices body, but one of the Gods law is that every human deserves to be buried after death not depending what that certain person did in his lifetime. Creon caused fear among his people by making a public announcement that nobody is allowed to burry Polyneices. He said that the offer of Thebes consists of only him, and that there are no other laws then his. According to the play the major actions that Creon took to cause the downfall of Thebes are that he did not want to burry Polyneices nor did allow any body to do it. Creon broke the burial law of the Gods and punished Antigone for following their laws. The people of Thebes knew that Creon made a mistake but still were too afraid to speak up. Antigone thought that she should get honored for that what she did, but Creon did not think that way.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Essay --

Society has taught people that they should be themselves and express their individuality. There are many people out in that location who think everyone should act and be the same because people get judged if they act or dress differently. Everyone is their own person and no one should have to adjust to everyone else in society. The debate over whether or not uniforms should be required has been going on for years. Many schools have decided it is best to have uniforms when, in all honesty, uniforms suffice no difference in academic success or behavior of students. Just because someone wears a uniform does not make them any smarter of behave in a better manner. School uniforms should not be required, not only because they do not let students express themselves, entirely also they cost families more money and do not affect what goes on at school. School uniforms charge parents loads of money every year, and in that respect are families out there that are not able to put money toward s this. Since school uniforms are an unfair additional expense for parents who pay taxes for a free public education, a great deal...

Free Essays - Impact of the Title of The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays

Impact of the Title of The Awakening       By using an evocative title like In The Awakening, Kate Chopin creates a initiate of interest that makes the reader ponder over the events in the novel, wondering if theres more to the story than the text. Chopins title is as figurative as her novel The awakening is non in a literal since, as one would expect, but rather in terms of Ednas awakening from her life of ignorant servitude to society, which shows that the purpose of her work is to attain her readers to think for themselves.   Edna Pontelliers process of awakening is the focus of this novel. Ednas awakening begins when Edna starts to realize her position in the universe as a human being. (page 57) At this point, Edna starts to think for herself. This happens comparatively early in the novel, and spans the course of the book. Ednas Awakening seems to come in short bursts, one level at a time. She gains her next level when Edna denied and resisted (pa ge 78) her husband, which was unheard of in that time.  Ednas awakening is well illustrated when she wakes (literally) and asks How many years have I slept? (page 85) Edna relates her life to that point to her own slumber, unthinking and passive until she awakens. At this point, the world is exposed for what it is in truth, not what society masks it to be. Edna fully awakens in her own death, finally acknowledging her making love for Robert and her own loneliness. When Edna takes her own life, it shows that she no longer has anything to live for, save a love that will never amount to anything. Just before Edna goes into the water, a bird with a broken wing, (page 175) symbolizing Edna, drowns, as does she.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Three Approaches to Coping with School Violence Essay -- Exploratory E

We humans have always sought to increaseour personal force in the only manner wehave known by seeking to psychologically steal it from othersan unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world. (James Redfield, 1993, The Celestine Prophecy, spic-and-span York Warner Books,6566)Some school critics and statisticians have observed that drug-dealing, vandalism, robbery, and murder have replaced gum-chewing, talking out of turn, tardiness, and rudeness as the most chronic problems afflicting todays schools. If the feeling of this observation is to shock and rattle the publics sensibilities, its working. Of course, some of us may interpret such suggestions as merely dark, stoic, and cynical weary tactics quite in keeping with the current national mood about many social issues these days.Yet, as a profession (and a society) perhaps a little shock treatment now and then is good for us, especially if we ourselves work in relatively safe schools and communities. Mayb e its metre to remind ourselves that one schools problem can become every schools problem if the profession at large is non watchful and careful. No school is immune to the potential of extreme violence, as many of us, without meaning to, have learned. If youre a long-time, veteran English teacher, you may never have thought youd see the day when an issue of English Journal would be devoted to school violence. The idea never occurred to me, either. besides here we are, and here that issue is. And, whats more, its high time. While none of us needs convincing that the violence problem is serious in a great many places, some of the statistics are sobering. The National Education Association (March 1994)reports that the number of children... ... suffice. twists CitedAnderson, Elijah. 1994. The Code of the Streets. TheAtlantic Monthly (May) 8194.Elam, Stanley M. 1993. The 25th one-year Phi Delta Kappan/Gallup Poll. Phi Delta Kappan (Oct.) 137152.Guns Among Young People in the U.S. 1 993. Youth Record. Washington, D.C. Youth Policy Institute. (Aug. 3) 10.Jones, Clarisse. 1994. Report Shows delirium Rising in Schools. The New York Times (Aug. 13) 27.Merina, Anita. 1994. Fighting School Violence Means Taking on Guns. NEA Today (Mar. 12) 4.Survey of the American Teacher 1993 Violence in Americas Public Schools. New York MetLife.Zimmer, Judith. 1993. We Can Work It Out. Culver City, CA Social Studies School Service.Denny Wolfe is professor of English Education andDirector of the Tidewater Virginia Writing Project atOld Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.

Peyote Information :: essays research papers fc

Just a Drug?Throughout our entire lives we have always been told that medicates are bad. They have terrible consequences on our bodies, and derriere ca design us to do things that we wouldnt normally consent to do in a sober state. Drugs can have adverse and varying personal effects on people, but no matter what the do drugs is we have been made to believe that its use is bad. What if a drug was more than just a way to escape reality, or to feel good? Peyote is a drug that has had more than just physical use and meaning to people for over 400 years. It is used as a spiritual catalyst by many Native Americans, and is believed by them to cause a direct psychic link to God. People around the country have varying views on mescal use, but who can say that it is bad? If the drug does have bad effects on the body, Native Americans have surely accepted that as a reasonable tradeoff for the spiritual journey peyote brings. So is peyote as a drug, or its use in Native American religion, b ad?In order to understand and report an opinion on a religion that is centralized around a drug, you must first understand the drug itself. Peyote is a small, round cactus that grows in the southern US and Mexico. Rather than spines or spikes, peyote has fuzzy tufts that stuck out from its edges. Only about an inch of the cactus is viewable above ground, with the majority of it be the deeply buried, carrot-like root structure. The small portion that is above ground is harvested, and is referred to as the peyote button. It is consumed either freshly cut, or dried, and has some extreme effects on the body.The effects of peyote are quite strong, and cause an array of feelings and emotional perceptions. According to There is a feeling of strange intoxication and fracture consciousness with minor perceptual changes. There may also be strong physical effects, including respiratory pressure, muscle tension (especially face and neck muscles), and restlessness or possible n ausea After this the state of altered consciousness begins to manifest itself..among the possible occurences are feelings of inner tranquility, oneness with life, heightened awareness, and rapid thought immixthese effects will deepen and become more visual. Colors may become more intense. Halos and auras may appear about things. Objects

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The National Patient Safety Goals Are Effective Essay -- Nursing, Heal

There are a large number of professional organizations specific to healthcare. wholeness such organization The Joint Commission, is a non-profit independent organization that certifies and accredits over 19,000 healthcare organizations in the United States. Their mission statement is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and nourish (The Joint Commission, 2011). The National Patient Safety Goals were implemented 2002. The goals later became effective January 1, 2003 to address specific areas of concern in regards to patient guard. Upon implementation, these goals have been effective in reducing the number of medication errors, improving communication between healthcare providers, and reducing hospital-acquired infections in patients.Thousands of individuals are admitted each year and require med ication in the hospital setting. With the increasing number of admissions due to disease and illness affecting todays society leads to the likelihood of nurses committing medication errors. Over the years errors resulting from medication have been the leading cause of injury in hospitalized patients. Forty six percent of these medication errors occurred at the time of admission, time of discharge or eon transferring patients between units. After reviewing these events, The Joint Commission identified Improve the Safety of Using Medications as wizard of the 2009 National Patient Safety Goals (Cleveland Clinic, 2009, p.1). In relation to this safety goal, hospitals created a medication reconciliation form that resides in the patients ch... ...before a procedure, shaving is avoided and clippers are used to trim the hair. This reduces the risks of breaks in the skin. In addition, one hour before surgery the patient is administered antibiotics before the incision and discontinue d within twenty-four hours.The National Patient Safety Goals are a signalise when it comes to patient safety. Implementing safety goals helps reduce the number of medication errors, improves communication between members of the healthcare team and reduces the number of infections patients acquire while under the hospitals care. In addition, The Joint Commission reviews and publishes these goals each year. Depending on the occurrence of sentinel events, the goals are re-evaluated or revised accordingly. It is important that The Joint Commission reinforce the serve of patient safety goals in that they help improve patient care.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Fool Chapter 12

TWELVEA KINGS ROADHaving set the course of events in motion, I wonder presently if my training to be a nun, and my polished skills at telling jokes, juggling, and singing songs fully qualify me to start a war. I bewilder so oftentimes been the instrument of the whims of separates, non even a pawn at court, merely an acc exposerement to the king or his daughters. An amusing ornament. A tiny reminder of scruples and hu whileity, tempered with enough humor so it can be dismissed, laughed off, ignored. Perhaps there is a reason t palpebra there is no fool piece on the chessboard. What action, a fool? What strategy, a fool? What use, a fool? Ah, except a fool resides in a deck of cards, a joker, sometimes two. Of no worth, of course. No real purpose. The appearance of a trump, entirely none of the power. Simply an instrument of chance. Only a dealer may give value to the joker. direct him wild, make him trump. Is the dealer Fate? God? The king? A ghost? Witches?The anchoress spok e of the cards in the tarot, forbidden and pagan as they were. We had no cards, entirely she would describe them for me, and I drew their images on the stones of the antechamber in charcoal. The fools number is zero, she verbalise, but thats because he represents the infinite possibility of wholly things. He may acquire whateverthing. See, he carries both of his possessions in a bundle on his back. He is ready for anything, to go anywhere, to become whatever he needs to be. Dont count let come forth the fool, Pocket, simply because his number is zero.Did she know where I was tapering, or do her words only have meaning to me now, as I, the zero, the nothing, seek to move nations? War? I couldnt see the appeal.Drunk, and dire of mood one night, Lear mused of war when I suggested that what he needed to cast off his temperamental aspect was a costly wenching. Oh, Pocket, I am too old, and the joy of a fuck withers with my limbs. Only a good killing can still boil lust in my blood. And one will not do, either. Kill me a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand on my command rivers of blood running finished the fields thats what pumps dismission into a mans lance.Oh, verbalize I. I was going to fetch Shanker Mary for you from the laundry, but ten thousand dead and rivers of blood might be a go beyond her talents, majesty.No, thank you, good Pocket, I shall sit and slide slowly and sadly into oblivion.Or, said I, I could put a bucket on Drools head and beat him with a sack of beets until the floor is splattered crimson while Shanker Mary gives you a proper tug to accentuate the gore.No, fool, there is no simulation to war.Whats Wales doing, majesty? We could invade the Welsh, perpetrate enough slaughter to raise your spirits, and have you back for tea and toast.Wales is ours now, lad.Oh bugger. Whats your feeling on attacking North Kensington, then?Kensingtons not a mile emerge. Practically in our suffer bailey.Aye, nuncle, thats the beauty of it, they d never see it coming. Like a hot blade through butter, wed be. We could hear the widows and orphans shout from the castle walls comparable a horny lullaby for you.I should theorise not. Im not attacking neighborhoods of London to amuse myself, Pocket. What kind of tyrant do you think me?Oh, above average, sire. Well above bally(a) average.Ill have you speak no more of war, fool. Youve too dessert a nature for much(prenominal) dastardly pursuits. also sweet? Moi? Methinks the art of war was made for fools, and fools for war. Kensington trembled that night.On the track to Gloucester I let my anger wane and tried to comfort the old king as best I could by lending him a sympathetic ear and a gentle word when he needed it.You simple, sniveling old toss-beast What did you stay to happen when you put the cargon of your half(a)-rotted carc asshole in the talons of that carrion bird of a daughter? (I may have had some residual anger.)But I gave her half my kingdom.And she gave you half the truth in return, when she told you she loved you all.The old man hung his head and his white tomentum cerebri fell in his face. We sat on stones by the fire. A tent was set in the wood nearby for the kings comfort, as there was no manor house in this northern county for him to take refuge. The rest of us would sleep right(prenominal) in the cold.Wait, fool, until we are to a lower place the roof of my second daughter, said Lear. Regan was always the sweet one, she will not be so cold in her gratitude.I had no heart to chide the old man any more. Expecting kindness from Regan was hope sung in the key of madness. Always the sweet one? Regan? I think not.My second week in the castle I found newborn Regan and Goneril in one of the kings solars, teasing slight Cordelia, brief a jackpot the little one had taken a fancy to all over her head, taunting her.Oh, come get the kitty, said Regan. Be careful, lest it fly out the window. Regan pretended she might throw the terri fied little cat out the window, and as Cordelia ran, arms stretched out to grab the kitten, Regan reeled and tossed the kitten to Goneril, who swung the kitten toward another window.Oh, look, Cordy, shell be drowned in the moat, unless equivalent your traitor mother, said Goneril.Nooooooo wailed Cordelia. She was nearly breathless from running sister to sister aft(prenominal) the kitten.I stood in the doorway, stunned at their cruelty. The chamberlain had told me that Cordelias mother, Lears third queen, had been accused of treason and banished ternary years before. No one knew exactly the circumstances of the crime, but there were rumors that she had been practicing the old religion, others that she had committed adultery. All the chamberlain knew for convinced(predicate) was that the queen had been taken from the tower in the dead of night, and from that time until my arrival at the castle, Cordelia had not uttered a coherent syllable.Drowned as a witch, she was, said Regan, snatching the kitten out of the air. But this time the little kittens claws found royal flesh. Ow You little shit Regan tossed the kitten out the window. Cordelia loosed an ear-shattering scream.Without thinking I dived through the window after the cat and caught the braided cord with my feet as I flew through. I caught the kitten or so five feet below the window as the cord burnt-out between my ankles. Not having thought the move completely through, I hadnt counted on how to catch myself, kitten in hand, when the cord slammed me into the tower wall. The cord tightened around my remunerate ankle. I took the impact on that shoulder and bounced while I watched my coxcomb flutter like a wounded bird to the moat below.I c put down in the kitten into my doublet, then climbed back up the cord and in through the window. Lovely day for a constitutional, dont you think, ladies?The three of them all stood with their mouths hanging chip in, the older sisters had plunk for against the wall s of the solar. You lot look like you could use some air, said I.I took the kitten from my doublet and held it out to Cordelia. Kittys had quite an adventure. Perhaps you should take her to her mum for a nap. Cordelia took the kitten from me and ran out of the room.We can have you beheaded, fool, said Regan, shaking off her shock.Anytime we indispensableness, said Goneril, with less conviction than her sister.Shall I send in a maid to confiscate back the tapestry, mum? I asked, with a grand wave to the tapestry Id loosed from the wall when I leapt.Uh, yes, do that, commanded Regan. This instantThis instant, barked Goneril.Right away, mum. And with a grin and a bow, I was gone from the room.I made my way down the spiral stairs clinging to the wall, lest my heart give out and send me tumbling. Cordelia stood at the bottom of the stairs, cradling the kitten, looking up at me as if I were Jesus, Zeus, and St. George all back from a smashing day of dragon s laicing. Her eyes were unna turally wide and she appeared to have halt breathing. Bloody awe, I suppose.Stop staring like that, lamb, its disturbing. People will think youve a chicken bone caught in your throat.Thank you, she said, with a great(p), shoulder-shaking sob.I patted her head. Youre welcome, love. Now run along, Pocket has to fish his hat from the moat and then go to the kitchen and drink until his hands stop shaking or he drowns in his own sick, whichever comes first.She backed away to let me pass, never taking her eyes from mine. It had been thus since the night I arrived at the tower when her mind first crept out from whatever dark place it had been living before my arrival those wide, crystal-blue eyes looking at me with unblinking wonder. The babe could be right creepy.Do not make yourself a maid to surprise, nuncle, said I. I held the reins of my and the kings horse as they drank from an ice-laced stream some hundred miles north of Gloucester. Regan is a treasure to be sure, but she may h ave the same mind as her sister. Although they will deny it, its often been the case.I cannot think it so, said the king. Regan will receive us with open arms. There was a racket behind us and the king turned. Ah, what is this?A gaily painted water ouzel was coming out of the wood toward us. Several of the knights reached for swords or lances. Captain Curan waved for them to stand at ease.Mummers, sire, said the Captain.Aye, said Lear, I forgot, the Yule is nearly on us. Theyll be going to Gloucester as well, Ill wager, to play for the Yule feast. Pocket, go tell them that we conceding them safe passage and they may follow our train under our protection.The wagon creaked to a stop. Happening upon a train of fifty knights and attendants in the countryside would put any performer on guard. The man driving the wagon stood at the reins and waved. He wore a grand purple hat with a white plume in it.I leapt the narrow stream, and made my way up the road. When the driver saw my motley he smiled. I, too, smiled, in relief this was not the cruel master from my own days as a mummer.Hail, fool, what finds you so far from court and castle?I carry my court with me and my castle lies ahead, sirrah.Carry your court? Then that gray-headed old man is Aye, King Lear himself.Then you are the famous Black Fool.At your bloody service, said I, with a bow.Youre smaller than in the stories, said the big-hatted weasel.Aye, and your hat is an ocean in which your wit wanders like a lost plague ship.The mummer laughed. You give me more than my due, sirrah. We trade not in wit like you, wily fool. We are thespiansWith that, three young men and a fille stepped out from behind the wagon and bowed gracefully and with far too much(prenominal) flourish than was called for.Thesbians, said they, in chorus.I tipped my coxcomb. Well, I enjoy a lick of the lily from time to time myself, said I, but its hardly something you want to paint on the side of a wagon.Not lesbians, said the fille, t hesbians. We are actors.Oh, said I. Thats different.Aye, said big hat. Weve no need of wit the plays the thing, you see. Not a word passes our lips that hasnt been chewed thrice and spat out by a scribe.Unburdened by originality are we, said an actor in a red waistcoat.The girl said, Although we do hold up the cross of fabulously shiny hair Blank slates, we are, said another of the actors.We are mere appendages of the pen, so to speak, said big hat.Yeah, youre a bloody appendage, all right, I said under my breath. Well, actors then. Smashing. The king has bade me tell you that he grants you safe passage to Gloucester and offers his protection.Oh my, said big hat. We are only going as far as Birmingham, but I suppose we could double back from Gloucester if his majesty wishes us to perform.No, said I. Please, do pass through and on to Birmingham. The king would never impede the progress of artists.Youre certain? said big hat. Weve been rehearsing a classic from antiquity, Green Egg s and Hamlet, the story of a young prince of Denmark who goes mad, drowns his girlfriend, and in his remorse, forces spoiled breakfast on all whom he meets. It was pieced together from fragments of an ancient Merican manuscript.No, said I. I think it will be too arcane for the king. He is old and nods off during long performances.Shame, said big hat. A moving piece. Let me do a selection for you. Green eggs, or not green eggs? That is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to eat them in a box, with a fox Stop said I. Go now, and quickly. War has come to the belt down and rumor has it that as soon as theyve finished with the lawyers, theyre going to kill all the actors.Really?Aye, I nodded most sincerely. Quick, on to Birmingham, before you are slaughtered. ever soyone skip over on, said big hat, and the actors did as directed. Fare thee well, fool Then he snapped the reins and drove off, the wagons wheels bouncing in the ruts of the road.Lears train parted and watched as the team pulled the wagon by at a gallop.What was that? asked Lear when I returned.Wagonload of knobs, said I.Why do they hurry, so?We commanded it so, nuncle. Half their troupe is ill with fever. We want them nowhere near your men.Oh, good show, then, lad. I thought you might be missing the life and were going to join their troupe.I shuddered at the thought. It had been a cold December day like this when Id first come to the White Tower with my mummer troupe. We were decidedly not thespians, but singers, jugglers, and acrobats, and I a special asset because I could do all three. Our master was a crooked Belgian named Belette, who bought me from Mother Basil for ten shillings and the promise to feed me. He spoke Dutch, French, and a very broken English, so I dont know how he managed to secure the White Tower for a performance that Christmas, but I was told later that the troupe that was supposed to have performed had short taken ill with stomach cramps and I suspect that Belette po isoned them.I had been with Belette for months, and except for the defeats and cold nights sleeping under a wagon, I had received little but my daily bread, the occasional cup of wine, and the skills of knife-throwing and sleight of hand as it could be applied to purse cutting.We were led into the great hall at the tower, which was filled with nobles reveling and feast on platters of food such as I had never seen. King Lear sat at the center of the main table, flanked by two beautiful girls about my age, who I would later find out were Regan and Goneril. Beside Regan sat Gloucester, his wife, and their son Edgar. The intrepid Kent sat on the other side next to Goneril. Under that table, at Lears feet, a little girl was curled up, watching the celebration wide-eyed, like a frightened animal, clinging to a rag doll. I must confess, I thought the child might be deaf or even simpleminded.We performed for perhaps two hours, singing songs of the saints during dinner, then moving on to bawdier fare as the wine flowed and the guests disentangled their hold on propriety. By late in the evening everyone was laughing, the guests were dancing with the performers, and even the commoners who lived in the castle had joined the party, but the little girl remained under the table, making not a sound. Not a smile, not an eyebrow raised in delight. There was light there behind those crystal-blue eyes this was not a simpleton but she seemed to be staring out of them from afar.I crawled under the table and sat next to her. She barely acknowledged my presence. I leaned in close and nodded toward Belette, who stood by a column near the center of the hall, leering lecherously at the young girls who frolicked about him. I could see the little girl spied the scoundrel, too. Ever so softly, I sang a little song the anchoress had taught me, with the lyrics changed a bit to adapt to the situation. Belette was a rat, was a rat, was a rat, was a rat,Belette was a rat, was a rat, was a rat, was a rat,Belette was a rat who ate his tail. And the little girl pulled back and looked at me, as if to see if I had really sung such a thing. And I sang on Belette was a rat, was a rat, was a rat,Belette was a rat, was a rat, was a rat,Belette was a rat, who drowned in a pail. And the little girl cackled a broken, little-girl yodel of a laugh that rang of innocence and joy and delight.I sang on, and ever so softly, she sang with me, Belette was a rat, was a rat, was a rat,Belette was a rat And we were no longer alone under the table. There was another pair of crystal-blue eyes, and behind them a white-haired king. The old king smiled and squeezed my biceps. And before the other guests noticed that the king was under the table, he sat back up on his throne, but he reached down and lay a hand crossways the little girls shoulder and the other upon mine. It was a hand reached across a vast chasm of reality from the highest position of ruler of the realm, to a lowborn orphan male child who slept in the mud under a wagon. I thought it must have been how a knight matt-up when the kings sword touched his shoulder, elevating him to nobility.Was a rat, was a rat, was a rat, we sang.When the party died down and noble guests hung drunk over the tables, the servants piled onto the floor before the fire, Belette began to move among the revelers and tap each of his performers, calling them to gather by the door. I had fallen asleep under the table, and the little girl against my arm. He pulled me up by my hair. You did nothing all night. I watched. I knew there was a beating in store for when we got back to the wagon, and I was prepared for it. At least I had eaten some supper at the feast.But as Belette turned to drag me away he stopped, abruptly. I looked up to see the master frozen in space, a sword-point pressed into his cheek clean below his eye. He let go of my hair.Good thought, said Kent, the old bull, pulling his sword back, but holding it steadily aim ed, a hands breadth from Belettes eye.There was a sound of coin on the table and Belette couldnt help but look down, even at the peril of his life. A doeskin purse as big as a mans fist lay before him.The chamberlain, a tall, severe chap who looked perpetually down his nose, stood beside Kent. He said, Your payment, plus ten pounds, which you shall accept as payment for this boy.But said Belette.You are a word from your mortality, sirrah, said Lear. Do go on. He sat straight and regal on his throne, one hand pressed to the cheek of the little girl, who had awakened and was clinging to his leg.Belette took the purse, bowed deeply, and backed across the hall. The other mummers of my troupe bowed and followed him out.What is your name, boy? asked Lear.Pocket, your majesty.Well, then, Pocket, do you see this child?Yes, majesty.Her name is Cordelia. She is our youngest daughter, and henceforth shall be your mistress. You have one duty above all, Pocket. That is to make her happy.Yes, m ajesty.Take him to Bubble, said the king. Have her feed and bathe him, then find him new clothes.Back on the road to Gloucester, Lear said, So, what is your will, Pocket? Would you be a traveling mummer again trade the comfort of the castle for the adventure of the road?Apparently, I have, nuncle, said I.We camped at the stream, which froze over during the night. The old man sat shivering by the fire with his rich fur cl oak wrapped around him the garment so full and the man so slight that it appeared he was being consumed by a slow but well-groomed beast. Only his white beard and the hawk nose were visible outside the cloak two stars of fire shone back in the cape creature, his eyes.Snow fell around us in great wet orgies of flakes, and my own wool cloak, which Id pulled over my head, was sodden.Have I been so unfit as a go that my daughters would turn on me so? asked Lear.Why, now, did he choose to stare into the dark barrel of his soul, when hed been content all these years t o simply scoop out his desires and let the consequences wash over whomever they may? Bloody inopportune time for introspection, after youve given away the roof over your head. But I did not say so.What would I know of proper fathering, sire? I had no father nor mother. I was reared by the Church, and Id not give a hot squirt of piss for the lot of them.Poor boy, said the king. As long as I live, you shall have father and family.I would have pointed out that he had himself declared his crawl to the grave commenced, and that given his performance with his daughters, I might do rectify to go forth an orphan, but the old man had rescued me from the life of a slave and wanderer, and given me a home in the palace, with friends and, I suppose, family of a sort. So I said, Thank you, majesty.The old man sighed heavily and said, None of my three queens ever loved me.Oh, for fucks sake, Lear, Im a jester, not a bloody wizard. If youre going to keep diving into the muck of your regrets then I ll just hold your sword for you and you can see if you can get your ancient ass moving enough to fall on the pointy part so we can both get some bloody peace.Lear laughed then twisted old oak that he was and patted my shoulder. I could ask nothing more of a son than he give me laughter in my despair. Im off to bed. Sleep in my tent, tonight, Pocket, out of the cold.Aye, sire. I was touched by the old mans kindness, I cannot deny it.The old man tottered over to his tent. One of the pages had been carrying hot stones into the tent for an hour and I felt the heat rush out as the king ducked inside.Ill be in after Ive had a wee, said I. I walked to the edge of the fires light and beside a great bare elm was relieving myself when a blue light shimmered in the forest before me.Well, thats a woolly tuft of lamb wank, said a womans voice, just as the girl ghost stepped out from behind the tree upon which I was weeing.Gods balls, wisp, Ive almost peed on youCareful, fool, said the ghost, l ooking frighteningly solid now just a tad translucent snowflakes were passing through her. But I was not frightened. Warm thy grateful heart,In the kings family,But for his royal crimes,Youd not an orphan be. Thats it? I asked. Rhymes and riddles? Still?All you need for now, said the ghost.I saw the witches, said I. They seemed to know you.Aye, said the ghost. Theres dark deeds afoot at Gloucester, fool. Dont lose mess.Sight of what?But she was gone, and I was standing in the woods, my willie in my hand, talking to a tree. On to Gloucester in the morning, and Id see what I was not to lose sight of. Or some such nonsense.Cornwalls and Regans flags flew over the battlements alongside Gloucesters, showing they had already arrived. Castle Gloucester was a bundle of towers surrounded by a lake on three sides and by a wide moat at the front no outer curtain wall like the White Tower or Albany, no bailey, just a small front courtyard and a gatehouse that protected the entrance. The cit y wall, on the land side of the castle, provided the outer defenses for stables and barracks.As we approached, a exclaim sounded from the wall announcing us. Drool came running across the drawbridge, his arms held high. Pocket, Pocket, where have you been? My friend My friendI was greatly relieved to see him alive, but the great, simple bear pulled me from my horse and hugged me until I could barely breathe, dancing me in a circle, my feet flying in the air as if I was a doll.Stop licking, Drool, you lout, youll wear my hair off.I clouted the oaf on the back with Jones and he yowled. Ouch. Dont hit, Pocket. He dropped me and crouched, hugging himself as if he were his own comforting mother, which he may have been, for all I know. I saw red-brown stains on his shirt back, and so lifted it to see the cause.Oh, lad, what has happened to you? My voice broke, tears tried to push out of my eyes, and I gasped. The hefty slab of Drools back was nearly devoid of skin his hide had been tor n and scabbed over and torn again by a vicious lash.Ive missed you most awful, said Drool.Aye, me too, but how happened these stripes?Lord Edmund says I am an insult to nature and must be punished.Edmund. Bastard.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Junior High School Essay

It was during my 7th grade year that I decided upon my answer to the age-old question What do you want to be when you flex up? Being that it was my first year at a junior high school, I was a little intimidated. I wasnt fond of reservation current friends, so I stuck with the people I already knew from the year before. Jonathan, one of my closer friends, was as introverted as I was. He wasnt looking for a whole lot of attention, but he did want to involve himself in school. Jonathan asked me to join the schools drama club with him, so he wouldnt have to do it alone.I decided to humor him and attend the first meeting one day before school. When I walked in the doors, I saw kids laughing and joking around. It was such a comfortable atmosphere I barely even felt as if I was unsounded at school. Drama club wasnt just some club, it was a place for me to be comfortable with myself. It was an escape from the humdrum school days which seemed to learn longer as time passed. The drama c lub was filled with people who werent aghast(predicate) to make fools of themselves and wouldnt judge me when I did the same. I could allow myself be silly and not feel ashamed.I played games like Understudy where a skit is started with a few pupils, the leader interrupts, and the students are replaced with new ones. The new actors then carry on the same general plot of the skit. It was the most fun I had experienced in such a long time. I caught myself going e rattling Tuesday and Friday morning before school. We even planned to do a play one day after lunch. For once I was hoping to gain some attention. I valued to be seen. I had never wanted something like that before. I al federal agencys laid low and kept to myself, but right off I was on stage reading lines.The funny thing about all of this was that I wanted to do it. It was my decision, and I was happy with it. I enjoyed myself so much that I wanted to experience it much often, but with no theater in town, it was easie r for me to watch movies. I watched more and more, and before I knew it, I started paying more attention to the actors instead of the storyline. I would watch a couple of movies that all featured one actor to see how his or her manner would change. One in particular changed my amateur views of acting altogether, Primal Fear featuring Edward Norton who portrayed an older teen with multi personality disorder.His ability to make 180 turns in a single scene fascinated me. I could compare this to Sally Fields role in the movie Sybil. I tried to hap more movies with Edward that were as mind-blowing as the last. I watched Fight Club and noted that he again played a character with a separate personality. Leaves of Grass was next on the list. Edward acted as his own twin brother, one who was a college professor while the other was a drug dealer. It seemed to me that his strategy was to divulge the pencil-thin line dividing good and evil or moral/immoral.It was amazing to me that I could learn so much about one person by ceremonial him or her portray others. I fell in love with this theory, so I decided to try my hand at them by joining the Teche field of honor of Performing Arts. I auditioned for a play named Gypsy based on the life of Gypsy Rose Lee. The role I was given was not very substantial, but it was a role nonetheless. Rehearsals lasted all summer, and I dedicated myself. I showed up early, and I stayed late. I sang and danced after I told myself I would never do that on stage. I realized my motivation was in the applause.I was looking for a thrill, and I found it in the crowd. I found it in making people laugh. I found it in making friends. Now THAT was different. Now, I was different. I was happy. I used this motivation to better myself. I did more shows at the theater, and I met new people. One of which was Mrs. Diane Wiltz, the main director at the Teche Theater. She would tell me how impressed she was by my versatility on stage, but she wasnt ever a fraid to point out when I was doing something wrong. She taught me to improvise when appropriate, push my character onto the audience, be loud, and overact.Dont hold back, she would say, when you think its too much, it is just right. She withal taught me to act comfortable in situations that might not be comfortable. Her advice was not bound to theater. I found that I could incorporate the lessons she taught me into everyday life. I took forethought to the advice that she gave me. I did a few experiments to see how I could use these lessons offstage. I started pushing myself to be more extroverted at school by lecture to more people, even the teachers. I became comfortable joking with complete strangers.I noticed that my overall attitude towards life changed somewhere along the way. I wanted to make people feel good. It felt good hearing laughter or applause, so I looked for it everywhere I went. I further conglomerate myself in school and the theater. I took on roles in severa l more productions at Teche, becoming a regular there. The Teche Theater was like a certify home to me by then, and I wanted so badly to do this for the rest of my life. I then decided to make plans to act professionally. I looked into determination a school that would help me get a foot into an acting career.I stumbled upon a film organization associated with the University of New Orleans. How could I make my way into an organization that I knew nothing about? It would be way over my head considering I knew little to nothing about film, and I wasnt a student of UNO. I needed to get a little experience at another college before jumping into being a full-time student in New Orleans, so I decided to enroll at Nicholls State University. As of now, I plan on finishing my freshman year at Nicholls before transferring to the University of New Orleans. When I enroll at UNO, I will major in film arts and production.I will action with fellow students on projects as well as doing a few pro jects of my own. I will also work to serve as an intern on any major motion picture sets that is offered. Students at the University of New Orleans have helped work on the set of movies like Ray, Runaway Jury, and The Curious sideslip of Benjamin Button. These opportunities will hopefully open more doors for me, helping me start a career in this field. I look forward to seeing how I fare in a career that is so difficult to jumpstart, and I cant help but to think of the people that inspired me and pushed me to be on the path that I am on today.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Global war on terrorism Essay

Serving my country is angiotensin-converting enzyme of the bravest and greatest things I have done in my life. I was the prime(prenominal) sergeant of Bravo 796 of the 14 multitude police brigade. creation the first sergeant was one of the most exciting jobs I have ever done, yet tough and hard, with a lot of in-person responsibilities. The position is a bit ch totally(prenominal)enging and demanding, so I had to be tough too. On a single day, the things that you I had to do were many, with many heap complaining that they can non get a hold of you. This might have been true, because of all the jobs that had to be done.My job was people. Dealing with peoples problems all(prenominal) day, starting from their health, welfare, discipline, and team spirit to mention but a few was the nine of the day. From the time that I started my day, sometimes as early as one oclock in the morning, having to deal with peoples problems and at the same time complete my duties at the end of the day, was so tiring. Most of the time, I had little or no time to do the paper work, as most of the duties involved outdoor activities. There was also no enough time spend with my family.The job requires that the need of the country and the dish out be put before the personal needs. By doing this, I was subject to enjoy the rewards of my military career. I also had to be ball-hawking enough in matters concerning the army, because the position requires a person that is knowledgeable enough. Therefore, a lot of learning was necessary, for me to meet the demands of the position. I was mobilized for Global war on terrorist act on the July of 2006 up to January 2009. Our mission was to train and to provide disciplined, physically fit, motivated, tactically and technically fit military police soldiers.The soldiers had to be familiar with the values of the army, and their pillow slip and conduct had to be pleasant, and reflecting the values of the military. In my experience as a first sergeant, one of my duties was to over see the smooth raising of the soldiers in justness enforcement duties. Some of the subjects that were taught were basic law enforcement tasks, reports and reforms, responding to incidents, unarmed self defense, maneuver and mobility support operations and enemy prisoner of war operations.I had to reckon that the soldiers were familiar to and in full understood the concepts that these subjects taught. Since the first sergeants position is the one at which all units merge, there are several key duties that are attached to this position, including retentiveness formations, instructing the platoon sergeants, advising the commander and assisting in the training of the enlisted members. Relationship with the soldiers When the young soldiers to be first arrive at the training grounds, many of them are not aware of the humankind of military training.They are not used to being shouted at and to obey orders, even when they do not feel like. They are also not used to being woken up so early in the morning by an officer shouting so loud at them. For many of them, it is their first time to leave home, or to be away from home alone for the first time to stay on their own. Despite these difficulties, they have to be interact in a manner that will harden them. As a sergeant, I had to treat the soldiers in such a way that they will able be to survive, even at the worst conditions.They have to live where they are asked to live, even when the situation is uncomfortable. However, these difficulties are imposed on purpose, to adjust the soldiers attitude to the military way of thinking. Furthermore, it makes it easier to impose self discipline, obedience, loyalty, military rules, military policies, etiquette and sacrifice among other values and customs of the military to them. Some people severalize that the military officers gain pleasure in making the lives of the soldiers difficult. However, from my experience, I would not say th at this is true.They only adhere to the rules of the military, to train the soldiers both physically and psychologically, in order to tear apart the civilians, and build from scratch a dedicated, physically fit and a proud member of the United States Armed Forces. Being in educate contact with the soldiers, and at the same time able to influence them for the better using your power is the key to earning their respect and to understand them. This is one of the most sizeableness things that the first sergeant has to do. Your influence is so essential that it determines whether a company will fail or deteriorate.As the first sergeant, I had to take all the knowledge I had and effectively steer it to the commanders of the units to teach it to the soldiers effectively, and at times training them myself. Being the first sergeant, you can only know if your efforts in training the soldiers have been effective through the conduct and the work of the soldiers. Normally, I had to make sure that my conduct, especially when around the soldiers is at its best. If a sergeants behavior is rotten, then the company will definitely copy that, and the results will be rotten soldiers.I also had to be completely involved and aware of every thing that goes on in the army, especially with the soldiers. This is why the position is so important, that most people refer to it as the livelihood or the blood of the army. A sergeant is required to act as an exhibitionist, to display his impressive character to all the other members. Sometimes, it may be said or thought that he is boasting such a behavior is not egotistical, but it is required and can be viewed as a way of setting the example.Therefore, I had to ensure that my behavior is exceptional and outstanding. By doing this, it is assumed that the members of the unit will want to be exceptional too, putting aside their differences involved at a personal level, and work or live as brothers. As the duty of the first sergeant, I had to train the members of the units to the best of my interests, and be proud of them and their achievements. This entails praising the soldiers and talking proudly of all their success and positive attitudes to different people.In my experience, I learnt that a first sergeants role is important, in that he should act as the break awayer for the soldiers success, and should he fail, the unit members may fail too. To attain the best of the soldiers, he needs to discipline them and be tough, to ensure their behavior is pleasant and acceptable in the military. He should also be a wise counselor, giving them advice whenever they need it. Being a provider is also a major duty of the first sergeant to ensure that they are comfortable. I also had to be a confidant to the soldiers of my company, listening to them and also being a friend in general.These are some of the aspects that bring the sergeant and the soldiers closer, to establish a close relationship comprising respect and concern to them. Relationship with the captain A unique relationship comprising of respect and confidence should exist between the sergeant and the commander. This relationship should not be the buddy to buddy kind of relationship, but one based on the work values. In most cases, such a relationship with the captain is not so common with officers of other ranks within the military.Being the first sergeant, I had to ensure that the will of the captain is carried out. When the first sergeant is given the title during his appointment, then he is automatically given authority to pass his ideas to the captain, to ensure the learning of the soldiers is as effective as it can be. While advising the captain, I sometimes found myself arguing or disagreeing with him on several matters. This is where there the authority, professional relationship, past experiences, and loyalty with the captain was required.At times, there are situations when the captain is not as experienced as the first sergeant. This may lead him to disregard the advice given to him by the sergeants. There can also be times when the sergeants reasoning has saved the captains reputation, which signifies the important role of the sergeant as the advisor to the captain that failing to take the sergeants advice may lead them to making blunders that may cost them their jobs. In conclusion, I would say that the role of a sergeant is very important in the military training ground.Being a good leader, showing all the desirable characteristics, and above all things being able to interact with people of all kinds were some of the characters that guided me. Otherwise, I would not have been able to live up to the positions duties, and my job would have been a lot harder. Training the soldiers to the best of my knowledge for the sake of the countries safety was my priority, and today, I am proud of the service I gave my country. References 1) Military, Global security. org, 2009, retrieved on 2/9/2009 from http//www. global security. org/military/intro/enlist. htm

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Crime Scene Investigation Case Study Essay

OBTAINING and RECORDING PHYSICAL EVIDENCEWhen it comes to determineing people that overhear committed a criminal act, the most positive means is through with(predicate) with(predicate) reproduces. When we argon born, our reproduces stay with us until we die and our bodies activate decomposing. To the human eye our finger ingrains look the same, however, further investigation bequeath show that each of us have a unique set of friction ridges that comprise our reproduces and sets our identity apart from each other. At a crime scene, in that location are two distinguishable types of fingerprints that may be found. Patent prints are perceptible to the human eye. Latent prints are unintentional prints found on items of take the stand or at a crime scene (Un cognise, Obtaining and Recording Physical Evidence, n.d.).The ability to visualize prints expects on the physical condition of the person who go away the print, the surface on which they left it, and the verbal expre ssion of the light which is employmentd to help visualize the print. Other circumstances that effect the visibility of latent prints is time and exposure to elements like heat and cold. However, in some(prenominal) case, prints should be attempted to be obtained. When latent prints are smudged they lack the specific ridges to distinguish the print correctly. These types of prints may non be perfect for fingerprint abridgment they may be utilized to cater other trace evidence.Before latent prints can be lifted and processed they need to be discovered. each print left in different types of surfaces have to be processed in a special way. The most common means is with the use of fingerprint pulverizations or through chemical treatment. Most field kits supply a pattern of colors so that the demolish can contrast with the approveground on which they were left. The most widely used colors are black and whitebecause they are standard colors that contrast on many objects.Fluorescent fingerprint powders help develop prints on multicolored surfaces, and require the source of ultraviolet light. As with most equipment, safety goggles and gloves should be used to avoid indefensible exposure and harm to the investigator. It is important to have a delicate touch and a small amount of powder to make the latent print visible. erst the print has started to show up, continuing to brush with the direction of the friction ridges lead make the fingerprint stand out. At that time, a photograph of the print should be taken and logged prior to lifting the print. If an investigator is in the field without proper powders, passing non-flammable evidence through the smoke of a burning piece of pine entrust cause soot to deposit on the object.Chemical affect of latent prints happens in the laboratory. Lab technicians are trained in utilize techniques that are required by the federal law in using many chemical mixtures to aid in processing evidence. Many porous objects will a bsorb the secretions from fingerprints and will not rub off as easy as they will on nonporous surfaces or objects. In order to get these prints visible, chemicals are apply to react to the secretions to make the print visible. The amount of contact and drive applied by the fingers will affect prints the most.Once the prints are visualized, and photographs have been taken, prints can be lifted and placed on a print card and transported to the lab for further processing. The most common method to use for lifting prints is rubber lifters and transparent lifting commemorate recording. galosh lifters work the best on curved or uneven surfaces, whereas transparent tape will lift the print in the position in which they were left on flat surfaces.How to Lift fingermarksThe basic police officers fingerprint kit should contain a fingerprint brush, black and bi-chromatic powder, lifting tape, and fingerprint cards. thither are several types of fingerprint brushes available, the wholeness to use is a personal preference. Fiberglass fingerprint brushes have a better rate of to distribute the fingerprint powder evenly (Spraggs, 2007).Most crimescenes will utilize the black lifting powder however, the bi-chromatic powder will be very helpful in processing prints on dark surfaces, because it is a mixture of the black powder with a white or silver powder. When the bi-chromatic powder is used on dark surfaces it will look light and it will show up dark on light surfaces.The best rule for processing latent prints using powder is to use less lifting powder than you think you are going to need. Many latent prints can be ruined by over processing with powder. David suggests give the print powder jar a quick shake before opening the lid then goes on to say remove the lid and place the fingerprint brush inside the lid (Spraggs, 2007). The lid will retain enough powder to start processing the latent print. A precise amount of pressure applied while spinning the brush will produc e a good print with good ridge detail. He mentions that too lots powder will fill the ridges and over process the print and too little will not produce enough, keeping in mind that too much contact between the brush and the print will damage the print.Once the print has been developed it is time to begin lifting the print. Lifting tape comes in a variety of widths and compositions. General lifting tape is used on flat surfaces and polyethylene tape is great for curved surfaces like door knobs. An important key in applying the tape is to keep it evenly and as smooth as possible. David suggests using a credit card to ensure even and smooth applications. Securing the lifting tape about an march from the edge of the print, then use the edge of the credit card to gently press the fingerprint lifting tape onto the surface (Spraggs, 2007). This process allows for thorough adhesion of the powder and the tape ensuring that air bubbles are eliminated at the same time and being trapped in the tape. He overly utilizes the credit card again when placing the tape to the fingerprint card.How Far Should Prints Be Trusted?Fingerprint analysis is not an exact science and has many potential flaws. One man was imprisoned for sextet course of studys in Massachusetts for shooting a police officer, only to be released in 2004 when the fingerprint evidence that wasused to convict him was trumped by DNA. For a long time the Department of Justice contended that on that point was a zero wrongdoing rate in fingerprint analysis. In a development conducted by FBIs Latent Fingerprint Section in Quantico, Virginia, concluded that the chance to be mistake a fingerprint for someone else was 1 in 1097. This study was conducted on 50,000 pre-existing images and compared electronically against the whole data set, thus producing 2.5 billion comparisons.However, many advocates against the admissibility of fingerprinting continue to jump on the bandwagon and believe the study does not reflect what happens in life. In life, partial prints from a crime scene can be messy and send an invalid picture of the criminal. In an unpublished study conducted by 92 students that had one year of training where they had to match archive and fake crime scenes. The end result was 2 out of 5861 were incorrect, which produced an error rate of 0.0034% (Coghlan, 2005). Results from proficiency tests published and cited in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (Vol. 93, p. 985), report error rates occur at a 0.8% average, and have been cognise to be as high as 4.4%.Latent FingerprintsIn 1914, Dr. Edmond Locard established the first rules on the minimum number of minutiae necessary for a positive identification. gibe to his study, if twelve or more concurring points are present when the fingerprint is clear the identity is beyond debate (Unknown, Latent Prints, n.d.). If there are eightsome to twelve concurring points are present the certainty of the identity will be contingent on fi ve additional points. They are the sharpness of the print, the speciality of its type, the presence of the center of the core and the delta in the exploitable part of the print, the presence of pores, and the perfect and obvious identity regarding the width of papillary ridges and valleys, the direction of the lines and the angular value of the bifurcations. If there were less than eight points present, the fingerprints could not provide a valid and accurate identity. Dr. Locard believed that approximately 40 pores in concurrence could establish individuality (Unknown, Latent Prints, n.d.).Fingerprint catching Current CapabilitiesCrime scene investigators use a variety of tools to help solve a case. Latent fingerprint detection and identification is among one of the greatest forensic techniques used. The value of fingerprint evidence is insurmountable. An investigator needs to know how to detect, enhance and record the print that has been left behind not visible to the human eye. Latent prints left behind at the crime scene are the most common type of fingerprint evidence, but they are also the ones that can cause the most problems, mainly because it is there, but not to the unaided eye. Utilizing optical, physical or chemical treatments to develop the print comes with precise judgment. The investigator or crime scene technician must distinguish between porous, non-porous and semi-porous surfaces water insoluble or water soluble, etc.Just like anything else, latent fingerprints will start to deteriorate and can lead to the loss of clarity over a specific time because of numerous factors. Elements of this process include evaporation of volatile components (e.g. moisture), public exposure (e.g. through the substrate for porous surfaces and across the surface for non-porous surfaces), decomposition (e.g. bacterial action, oxidation, chemical breakdown due to heat and light, etc.) (Lennard, 2007). The rate of dehydration will depend on certain factors like the temperature, humidity, and exposure to sun, air currents and the surface on which the print was left. Exposure to high humidity can result in scattering of a water soluble print, causing the print to be lost, and any detection techniques to be ineffective.Using optical detection techniques will aid in finding latent fingerprints. Luminescence will help display a weak friction ridge detail. The best optical detection is achieved by using short-wave ultraviolet (UV) light. This technique is highly effective because the light acts as a contrast between the surface by absorbing the light or reflecting it back showing the presence of print.Will DNA Replace Fingerprints in the 21st Century?The use of fingerprints to help solve crimes was first suggested by Dr.Henry Faulds in 1880. Twelve years later, fingerprints that were left in blood at the scene of a double murder in Argentina were used to convict and identify the killer. However, the first fingerprints accepted in court in the Unite d States didnt happen until 1911.When we are born, we have distinct patterns on the tips of our fingers that will only deepen under a biological variation, because once formed in womb, the ridges are permanent and unique to each individual. Biological variation is also known as the natural law of variation and is sometimes stated as Nature never repeats (Leo, 2005). There are three basic types of fingerprint patterns loops, whorls, and arches. Each of these patterns are arranged to give individuals unique ridges that make up the persons characteristics of fingerprints.It is when these ridges are examined under a microscope side by side with a known source that a person can be confirmed or eliminated as a suspect. With new technology, fingerprint evidence can be searched through automated fingerprint information systems (AFIS). Fingerprints are used to establish a persons identity in the United States and in every other country in the world. Fingerprints are not just used as evidenc e in a crime (criminal history), but for employment and security clearances.Deoxyribonucleic deadly (DNA) was discovered in 1911. It was also discovered that this DNA was the carrier of genetic information. However, it wasnt until 1985 that the structure also established the uniqueness of each person. One year later, the first use of DNA in a criminal case was used to match a suspect to a double murder in England. The first case of DNA evidence admitted in a United States court didnt happen until 1988. Since then, over thirty-five states have admitted DNA evidence in one form or another while more than twenty-five states have the population frequency data or statistics to be admittible in court (Leo, 2005).DNA evidence is found at crime scenes as the presence of blood, semen, hair, skin, and saliva. In order to make a comparison a DNA profile must be extracted from the evidence and/or a sample taken from a known individual. A DNA profile is all over through a process called elect rophoresis.After the profile has been extracted, the results are recorded on an autorad and can be compared to other profiles. There are thirteen markers that are used to standardize a national data base called Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) in the United States (Leo, 2005). To date, DNA is still acclivitous as we continue to move further into the technological future, and can be used for personal identification, employment, security clearance, or to track criminal histories.Every moment of the day, millions of fingerprints are being searched via the automated fingerprint systems around the world. Thousands of crimes have been solved because of the fingerprint evidence left behind at the scene of the crime. In 1994, when CODIS began, there have been over 20,000 DNA matches. In Los Angeles County, California, more than 500 latent prints are matched to criminal offender on any given day (Leo, 2005). some(prenominal) methods of identifying an individual play crucial roles in solv ing crime. Although fingerprints are still considered the golden standard for forensic evidence in the courtroom (Leo, 2005), DNA is wretched forward in being a very important tool to combat and solve crime. However, when it comes down to it, both techniques complement each other and provide vital information to help find criminals.Works CitedCoghlan, A. &. (2005). How Far Should Prints be Trusted? New Scientist, 2517(187), 6-7. Retrieved January 21, 2013, from http// Lennard, C. (2007, December). Fingerprint Detection Current Capabilities. Australian Journal of Forensic Science, 39(2), 55-59. Retrieved January 21, 2013, from http// Leo, W. (2005, September/October). Will DNA Replace Fingerprints in the 21st Century. The Print, 21(5), 1-5. Retrieved January 21, 2013, from http// Sp raggs, D. (2007, February 01). How to Lift Fingerprints. Retrieved January 20, 2013, from Police Magazine

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Problem Definition Stage

The problem definition stage is perhaps more critical in the interrogation process than the problem upshot stage. Discuss this bid. Answer Finding the right solution to an incorrectly identified problem helps no one because the original concerns entrust still hatch to exist. Hence, pinpointing where exactly the gap lies, for which a solution is needed, is critical. (5 marks) b. In your companys management development program, there was a heated discussion between nigh people who claimed, Theory is impractical and thus no good, and others who claimed, Good theory is the most practical approach to problems. What position would you take and why? Answer The pedagogy that theory is impractical and thus no good illustrates a misconception of the true meaning of theory. The second quotation is more to the point there is nothing so practical as a good theory (Kurt Lewin) because of the power it gives us to condone and predict the target phenomenon. We use theory constantly as we explain why certain events occur or why one procedure succeeds and another does not. Theory represents an identification of key causal relationships, which explain outcomes in a mixing of situations.It is an effort to extract the essence of relationships, ignoring less Copernican contextual factors. The adequacy of a theory comes from its capacity to explain phenomenon in a variety of contexts and situations and this is referred to as its capacity to travel. Often, theories be too simplistic, and therefore lack explanatory power across situations. The solution lies in improving the theory, possibly introducing more variables, quite a than rejecting the central concept. . (10 marks) c. Sometimes business research may be unnecessary. Explain when this could occur.Answer Business research may be unnecessary in some(prenominal) situations. If the esteem of addressing the problem is less than the cost of the research, research is unnecessary. If the organization suffers from constraints of time, money, or skill, the research may not be appropriate. If the necessary information cannot be collected in a manner that is applicable to the research, it may not be necessary. Finally, if the decision is of low-risk anyway, research is unnecessary. (5 marks) d. Explain the meaning of deduction and induction. Provide an argument that exemplifies each form.Answer evidence is a form of argument that suggests a remnant from the reasons given. The reasons imply the conclusion. A deduction is valid if it is impossible for the conclusion to be false if the premises be true. Consider the following example. o AXY employees receive a discount on all clothing purchases made at any AXY store. Sarah is an employee at the AXY store in city X. Sarah will receive a discount at any AXY store. Induction is different from deduction in that it draws a conclusion from one or more facts. However, other conclusions could be drawn from the facts.For example, Burger King was fea tured on an episode of the Apprentice. Sales figures increased in the two weeks immediately following the episode. The conclusion is that the brand placement resulted in the increase in sales. While this conclusion is possible, other explanations have not been eliminated. (10 marks) caput 2 A teacher observes that the surgical process of students in the class varies depending on the work load, the complexity of the tests, the extent of ambiguity in the assignments, and the accent mark experienced by them. She assigns to you the task of doing a research disgorge on this and wants you to do the following a.Give the project a suitable title To investigate factors that affect students performance. b. Briefly establish why it is important to research the topic It is important to research this topic since we would like to know how workload, complexity of the test, extent of ambiguity in the assignment and the focusing experience do affect students level of sagaciousness and thus af fects their performance. c. Clearly and precisely write the problem statement To what extent the factors such as workload, complexity of the test, extent of ambiguity in the assignment and the reach experience influence performance. . Develop a theoretical framework using the variables mentioned above, clearly delineating the network of associations among the variables Workload complexity of the test extent of ambiguity stress experience Performance ind. Var intervening var. dep. Var e. Introduce a moderating and an intervening variable in the framework, explaining how they moderate and intervene. Intervening variable = stress ecperience f. Develop three hypotheses Hypotheses 1The more workload given, higher complexity of the test and higher level of ambiguity will reduce students performance. Hypotheses 2 The more workload given, higher complexity of the test and higher level of ambiguity will increase more stress to the students Hypotheses 3 The higher the level of stress will le ad to lower performance of students (20marks) Question 3 The new president of an old, established company is facing a problem. The company is currently unprofitable and is, in the presidents opinion, direct inefficiently.The company sells a wide line of equipment and supplies to the dairy industry. Some items it manufacturers, and many it wholesales to dairies, creameries, and similar plants. Because the industry is changing in several ways, survival will be more difficult in the future. In particular, many equipment companies are bypassing the wholesalers and selling directly to dairies. In addition, many of the independent dairies are being taken over by large food chains. How might business research help the new president make the right decisions? essay answer Many different studies might be helpful in this situation.The most likely lines of investigation should be on 1. the firms operating inefficiencies, and 2. its future prospects in the changing dairy industry. In the first case, the president might want to determine whether the inefficiency is caused by internal production problems, poor organization, toothless cost controls, weak sales management, and so on. This might take the form of a company audit of internal processes. The examination of the industry and the firms future in it would likely be directed at discovering possible trends in consumption patterns and distribution systems.It might also entail polling the end user of the products to see if anything other than price is prompting them to buy directly from manufacturers. Having this information would allow the researcher to either support the presidents contention that inefficiency is the pedigree problem, or rule it out. Further, it would allow him to determine such things as whether any overlooked opport social unities (markets) exist, if his company is the only one experiencing problems, if the trend is likely to reverse, and so on. (20 marks) Question 4 Evaluate the statement of the business problem in the following situations a.A manufacturer of fishing boats The problem is to determine sales trends over the past phoebe bird years by product category and to determine the seasonality of unit boat sales by quarters by regions of the country. Answer This is a relatively successive forward set of descriptive objectives for a secondary data study. The time period is indicated. Sales volume in units is indicated to be the variable of interest. By indicating unit boat sales, quarters as the time periods, regions of the country as the geographical units, the definition is specific. b. The marketer of a new spreadsheet software package The purpose of this research is (1).To identify the market potential for the product, (2). To identify what desirable features the product should possess, and (3) To determine possible advertising strategies/channel strategies for the product. Answer Although this is not a poor statement of the problem, it is too ambitious and it could be more specific. A major disadvantage of this problem statement is that it is too much for a single research study. determine advertising and channel strategies, product features, and market potential indicate several distinct problems for a program strategy rather than a single project strategy. (10 marks)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Reading Strategies Essay

Identify deuce reading goals, maven short-term and one long-term.Long-term reading goal Read on a college level. Short-term reading goal Complete two reading workshops.Write a 100- to 150-word resolution to each of the following questionsHow do you currently approach the weekly readings in the course? I currently approach the reading in the course precise cautiously. When reading any of the material in or out of class, I take my time. It is important to do so because by going to quick, there is a ascertain of missing some of the material. By reading slowly I can assure myself that I fuddle better chance of taking in more information. as well by removing myself from any distractions, I can concentrate harder on the things that I am reading. Preparing for my reading sessions in advance abets to optimize my chance of greater concentration on my reading materials.How might you incorporate three of the suggestions covered this week into your study time? By victimization the four t ravel in industrious reading, I can optimize how well I concentrate during my study time. By previewing my material, I can get a optical guide to anything I may not understand before reading the material. Marking my work as I go along will help with keeping me focused and concentrating. By using correct time management and can make sure nothing interferes with my study time as well. Also by choosing the correct study location will help to block out any distractions that may affect my study time. Using all of these subservient ways well help me in enhancing all of my study time.How might this plan help you accomplish your reading goals?By using what I have learned so far, I have a very much greater chance on accomplishing both of my reading goals. Using the four steps of active reading, and concentrating on all of my materials it will help with my long term goal of reading on a college level. My short term goal was to complete two reading workshops. By choosing a quite study locat ion, I will be able to concentrate harder on my work. Turning of cell phones and not using social media web sites will help as well. If I can optimize my study time and location, I will have a much greater chance of completing my short term goal of completing two workshops.

Monday, May 20, 2019

My Hobbies

My Hobbies In my demeanor I had a lot of things to do and enjoy. According to my life besides the ordinary tasks that whatever star does, I have several pastimes. Among these one is swimming, watching moving-picture shows with my parents and play baseball. Swimming i use it to keep my body in good ensure and get muscular endurance. the hobby of watching movies with my parents is fun and we talked and shared the evening opining about the best movie we saw.Baseball is a pastime that was implemented since my fourth years old by my dad and i neer stopped practicing. My favorite pastime is the baseball, because I can show my talent playing this sport. The baseball is a sport that depends about ability and mind control. Anyone can have the tools to be the best players of ever, but If the somebody doesnt have mind or self-control any couldnt try to play this sport. The baseball have a roll in my life and that role represent my extol on the field.The respect that I purpose being a grea t catcher everybody knows when Im in thither I the back of the homeplate doing my work, the work than anyone cant do better than me, protect and command my team. Im my life this activity is so important, because my position in the game describe my self equal than me in the outside. separately people determine his position by his ability, but the catcher position that if you want to play it, any might to be a lider just only to could try it.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

MSN Nurse Interview Essay

IntroductionA face-to-face interview was performed of a master prepared nurse, Mrs. H., to adjudicate new knowledge ab break a subroutine desired from the interviewer. Taking information from a practicing get the hang prepared nurse will overhaul the interviewer develop an understanding of opportunities, course advancement and the put of psyche in the master key in Science of Nursing (MSN) compvirtuosont part. Review of the breedingal preparation, personal experience, and accomplishments of a Masters prepared nurse will be discussed. Mrs. H, describes her journey from Associates Degree in Nursing through obtaining her Masters degree in pedagogy, and her side masters certificate as a Clinical view as Specialist. The interview will develop an understanding of the MSN in practice.Interview SelectionThe interview chosen was the role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist ( central nervous system) in Critical Care. The interviewers knowledge of this role is very limited. However, t his role is viewed as an educator for a specific unit. The person interviewed reigns a MSN in education and a post graduate certificate as a CNS. This interview was conducted due to not only the MSN in education, exclusively excitement of the CNS post graduate certificate. These positions are held by respected members of the nursing duty and hold endless possibilities.Career OverviewThe interviewed, Mrs. H., has held a variety show of jobs/careers in her life. Upon high school graduation, Mrs. H. obtained a job in retail as a sales associate. Through hard wreak and dedication, Mrs. H. worked her way up to watchfulness in retail. However, Mrs. H. quickly discovered that retail held long hours and no room for growth without an education. Upon self reflection, Mrs. H. do a decision to go to school and make a career careen. Her decision was she wanted to help people and make a difference. Mrs. H. obtained her Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) in 1997. During this time, she cont inued to work part-time in retail on evenings and weekends to earn money. Upon completion of her ADN, she got a job at the local hospital on the medical-surgical unit. She quickly discovered her love of nursing and wanted to do more.Thus Mrs. H. continued to work in nursing and went back to school and obtained her Bachelors Degree in Nursing (BSN) in 2002. Upon completion of her BSN, she transferred within the hospital to a Surgical ICU unit where she worked for a couple of historic period before deciding to pursue her Masters Degree in Nursing (MSN). However, prior to move her MSN, Mrs. H. was required to take the GRE and get a good score to qualify for her MSN program. She spent months studying for her GRE. Eventually, when Mrs. H. felt she was ready, she sat for the GRE and was pleased to discover she received the number on the GRE she needed to get into her MSN program.While inveterate to work as much as possible, Mrs. H. went back to school and obtained her MSN in educati on in 2008. She recalls school, papers, maintaining a family life and balancing work being very difficult, but states it makes the reward of graduating even better. Her MSN has opened up many doors and opportunities for her, as her career responsibilities continue to grow. Mrs. H. became a leader on her unit and held the title of supervisory program/educator for the Surgical ICU. The desire to continue to learn and grow and make a difference in healthcare continued to weigh on Mrs. Hs mind, thus she obtained her Post Masters CNS in Critical Care board certification in 2013.Present PositionMrs. H. has a variety of experiences as a nurse. Presently, Mrs. H. is in charge of all patient, staff and student education on one of the critical care units. Furthermore, Mrs. H. helps change, write and build policies for her institution. In addition, she participates in several hospital wide committees aimed at patient safety, performance improvement and nursing engagement.Mrs. H. describes her position as one that has changed from supporting nursing practice and interpreting information, to one that conducts research and develops pathways for care. She states she uses nursing theory,evidenced based practice (EBP), and critical thinking skills to change nursing care provided throughout the hospital. In addition to her full time role at the hospital, Mrs. H. teaches BSN classes at a local university. Mrs. H. admits all of this would not be possible without her education, commitment and determination in life. Her career opportunities fell into her lap as she describes it. However, Mrs. H. will also humbly admit that through her leadership skills and her educational background, she proved herself to be worthy of her opportunities.On more than one occasion, Mrs. H. stated to never give up. When asked what scarce was meant by that, Mrs. H. stated to remember that no one is ever too old to continue their education. Furthermore, Mrs. H. encourages nurses to be the best they can be. Follow our hearts and dont be afraid to speak out on patients behalf. Many words Mrs. H. said were interesting, but most importantly always seek to be the best at whatever it is in life.ConclusionInspiring others and leading change are attributes of hard-hitting leaders that are crucial in preparing nursing students for professional practice (Adelman-Mullally, 2013, p. 30). Another important reflection of leadership is challenging the system to bring about desired change. Both healthcare and nursing education are experiencing change that creates unpredictability. Leaders recognize these challenges and have the confidence and courage to propose new ideas. (Adelman-Mullally, 2013, p. 32).The profession of nursing and the advancement of healthcare are directly related to effective leaders in nursing who hold higher levels of nursing education, pursue excellence in nursing practice, and motivate others to perform to a higher standard. All of this is in line with Grand canon Unive rsities mission of providing role models through education in order to be effective communicators, critical thinkers and responsible leaders (GCU, p. 1).ReferencesAdelman-Mullally, T. (2013). The Clinical Nurse pedagog as Leader. Nurse Education Practice. 13(1)29-34. Retrieved from http// Grand Canyon University (GCU).Mission and Vision at Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from www.gcu.ed

Heritage, Traditions and Beliefs Essay

All around us, in that look upon argon divergent cultures, races, and ways of support that we interact with. Even with all of the differences, we excuse somehow discern to live in harmony with all(prenominal) other. If we think slightly it, we all live in bingle place Earth. There atomic number 18 divergent perspectives and stories as to how it came about. These stories about the earths origin in addition reflect the different heritages, traditions, and beliefs that we see around us. The stories from the Native Americans, Africans, Mayan civilization, scientific origins of life and the book of generation from the news will be discussed in this essay.The Native Americans, called Navajo retrieve in the force play of the Wind. They rememberd that life came from the wind. The breath that comes from our mouths gives us life. When the wind stops to blow, our life ends and we die. The Navajo also believes that their ancestors are always with them. The presence of wind trail on their fingertips shows them their ancestors. They believe that every living and non-living things are connected with the power of the wind.The Africans, specifically from the tribe of Yoruba, the people of Nigeria, Togo, and Benin, believe in the supreme being, Olorun and his assistants, Orishas, heavenly entities. David A. Anderson wrote this story. The story started with Oluron with orishas living in the sky in a monkey-bread tree diagram tree. Oluron being a great being allows the orishas to roam around. Obatala, a curious orisha, left the baobab tree and found a big empty ocean below the mist. Obatala asked Olorun for permission to go down to the vast ocean and make something solid in the waters below. Olorun allowed Obatalas request. Before starting his journey, Obatala asked for the help of Orunmila, the orisha seer. She conscious Obatala to prepare the following things for his journey a chain of gold, sand, palm nuts, maize, and a sacred egg, which carries the personalit ies of all the orishas. So Obatala hooked the chain of gold to the sky and climbed down to the vast empty ocean.He went down for septette days and when he reached the end, he waited for the advice of Orunmila to pour the sand into the water. A vast land was make from the water. Obatala was still unsure of what to do. The sacred egg, which he hid inside his clothes near his heart hatched as Obatalas heart pounded stronger. The Sankofa, a bird bearing the spirits of all the orishas, came out. As it flew around the solidified land, it formed dunes, hills, and lowlands. Eventually, Obatala released the chain and walked in the land that he named Ife. As Obatala explored the land, he scattered the seeds that he brought with him and so plants started to grow. Obatala make images of him out of clay and he was pleased. Olorun, being pleased with what Obatala did, make a fireball for the clay to be cooked and Oloruns breath brought life to the figures.The Mayan civilizations story of creati on is called the Popol Vuh. The story started with Heart-of-sky, also called Maker, Modeler, Kukulkan, and Hurricane, whom they regarded as the almighty. It was only him who existed and he realized he needed someone to talk about his name and ap appraise him. By mere speaking, earth emerged followed by mountains, trees and land. When Heart-of-sky sees that everything is going well, he created the animals to roam the land.He ordered the animals to praise him, but all they did was make animal sounds, thus he ordered that animals shall serve the people, whom he made to praise him. It took Heart-of-sky two attempts to make people, the first was made of mud and was loop-sided and spoke nonsense, and so he firm to let it dissolve away. The second was made from wood. Doll woods were mad, but did not have blood, suds or minds. They did not respect their creator so flood was casted to the land, it destroyed the homes of the dolls and later on they are called monkeys. Thus, this explains t he similar features of monkeys to humans.The scientific origin of life focuses in two main people, namely Pasteur and Darwin. With Pasteurs experiments, he supported that God created the earth. He believed that life couldnt arise from pulseless matter. In connection to this, Pasteur believed in the aid of the divine creator. Darwins theory, on the other hand, states that the first life on earth came from inanimate matter. Another theory was that the earth was an eternal entity according to Iris Fry, a historian of biology. Earth and life being eternal means that it did not come from anything, but it just existed before everything else. Lastly, the term Panspermia, from the Latin word pan meaning all states that sperms of life wanders the universe and scores root at any orbiter that meets its living condition. Svante Arrhenius in Sweden promoted this idea. The early idea that life and earth are eternal is outdated. People started to honor where we came from and thus the idea was lost. Panspermia or Transpermia describes the transfer of life from planet to planet.The story of creation from the book of genesis of the holy bible depicts the seven-day creation of earth by God. Each day was described with the building of different things like, the separation of land and water, animals and humankind creation. On the seventh day, seeing that everything was perfect, God was pleased and so he had a rest that day. It was believed that God made everything on earth He named all creatures in His power and ordered them to follow Adam. It ended when God was pleased with men and eventually gave the Garden of Eden for them to take care of. In comparison of these beliefs, the Native Americans belief with the origin of life is somehow similar with Darwins theory on life. Both stories pointed out that life came from non-living objects.Through the wind, everything came to life and through it people are connected with the environment. Similar with Darwin, he believed that inanim ate objects are responsible for our universe of discourse. Compared to the points discussed earlier, the stories of the Africans, Mayans and the book of genesis all believe in a supreme being, who made everything. Olorun, Heart-of-sky and God, these are the names of each creator. Even with such different titles, they are the same. Their only differences are on the details on how they made life. Each stories started with the divine existence followed by their prime need to create something or someone to worship them. Their stories ended with the creation of their subordinates, people. In addition scientist Pasteur, who made one of the major contributions scientifically, supports the story of creation from the book of genesis.In conclusion, these five stories about lifes origin are somehow interconnected. Each is presented differently. The elements of the stories reflect their culture. After comparing each story with others, it only shows the importance of our beginning. By knowing t he differences and similarities of each, I have come to understand that everyone deserves respect regardless of their origin. The comparison I have made will help me interact better with my in store(predicate) patients because of the culture reflected in each stories.We live in one place, one atmosphere, and one sky and moreover each of us has our own belief in life. We came about evolution differently based on the area we live in. To preserve each race, tribe and community, we made stories of it, which reflects our culture and traditions. These stories were made so others whitethorn understand and respect our way of living.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

However Fahn

However, the street celebrations that accompanied the British and French declaration of state of war gives historians the impression that the move was popular and politicians tend to go with the popular mood. Was much done to avoid the starting of the war? By 1914, atomic number 63 had divided into two camps. The Triple Alliance was Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. The Triple entente wasBritain, France and Russia. The conglutination amongst Germany and Austria was natural. Both spoke the same language German and had a similar culture. In preceding(prenominal) centuries, they had both been part of the same empire the Holy Roman Empire.Austria was in political trouble in the s turn outh-east of Europe the Balkans. She needed the might of Germany to back her up if trouble got worse. Italy had Joined these countries as sne teared their spot on ner northern border. Germany was primary(prenominal)land Europes around powerful country so from Italys point of view, being an al ly of Germany was an self-evident move. Each member of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria nd Italy) reassured to help the others if they were attacked by another country. The Triple Entente was less structured than the Triple Alliance. Entente means understanding and the members of the Entente (Britain, France and Russia) did not have to promise to help the other two if they got attacked by other countries but the understanding was that each member would game the others but it was not fixed. France was suspicious of Germany. She had a huge army but a poor navy. Britain had the worlds most powerful naw and a small army. France and Britain Joining together in an understanding was natural. Britain was also concerned somewhat Germany because she was construct up a new and powerful navy. The inclusion of Russia seemed odd when Russia was so far from France and Britain.However, Russias gallant family, the Romanovs, was related to the British Royal Family. Russia also had a huge army and with France on the west of Europe and Russia on the east, the message sent to Germany was that she was confronted by two huge armies on either side of her borders. Therefore, it was not a good move by Germany to provoke trouble in Europe that was the hoped for message sent out by the Triple Entente. Certain specific problems also helped to create suspicion throughout Europe. The first was Germanys worry of the huge British Empire. By 1900, Britain owned a quarter of the world.Countries such as Canada, India, atomic number 16 Africa, Egypt, Australia and pertly Zealand were owned by Britain as part of the British Empire. Queen Victoria had been crowned Empress of India. Huge amounts of currency were made from these colonies and Britain had a powerful military presence in all parts of the world. The Empire was seen as the status symbol of a country that was the most powerful in the world. Hence Britains title big Britain. Germany clearly believed that a sign of a great power was possession of overseas colonies. The best had already been taken by Britain but Germany resolved to gain as much colonial territory as possible.Her main target was Africa. She colonised territory in southern Africa (now Namibia) which no-one really wanted as it was useless withdraw from but it did create much anger in London as Germanys new territories were near South Africa with its huge diamond and gold reserves. In reality, Germanys African colonies were of little economic importance but it gave her the prospect to demonstrate to the German people hat she had Great Power status even if this did make traffic with Britain more fragile than was perhaps necessary for the economic returns Germany got from her colonies.A second issue that caused much friction between Britain and Germany was Germanys desire to increase the size of her navy. Britain carryed that Germany, as a with child(p) land-based country, needed a turgid army. But Germany had a very small coastline a nd Britain coul d not accep na Germany needed a large navy. Postcard from 1912 of the Spithead review of Britains Navvy Britain concluded that Germanys desire to increase the size of her naw was to hreaten Britains naval might in the North Sea.The British government concluded that as an island we needed a large naw and they could not accept any challenges from Germany. As a result, a naval race took place. Both countries spent vast sums of funds building new warships and the cost soared when Britain launched a new type of battleship the Dreadnought. Germany immediately responded by building her equivalent. Such a move did little to improve relations between Britain and Germany. All it did was to increase tension between the two nations.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Social Organization of Singapore

My research will be based on Political, Economic, and Social scheme of capital of capital of Singaporean industrialist metropolis-state. Even though Singapores history dates from the 11th century, the island was little known to the West until the 19th century. Singapore is one of the Worlds largest ports, because the city of Singapore has be line up a major port, with trade exceeding that of Malayas, Malacca and Penang combined.The arising of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of steamships launched an era of prosperity for Singapore as transit trade expand byout Southeast Asia (Bureau of eastern roughly Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore is a genuinely multicultural country, exactly education through social studies has brought the country into a social cohesive unit (Ho, 2009). Singapore is a Republica one-house Parliament makes the countys laws. A prime minister leads a Cabinet, which carries out the trading operations of the regime.The ruling political party i n Singapore, reelected con give the axeuously since 1959, is the Peoples Action Party (PAP), headed by Prime minister of religion Lee Hsien Loong (Bureau of tocopherol Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The president (chief of state) previously exercised lone(prenominal) ceremonial duties. As a result of 1991 constitutional changes, the president is now elected and exercises expanded powers over legislative appointments, government budgetary affairs, and internal security matters. The PAP believes that rationalism and expertise is the proper approach to social and economical problems that may arise (Bellows, 1985).The PAP has held the overwhelming majority of hobos in Parliament since 1966, when the opposition Barisan Sosialis Party (Socialist Front), a left-wing group that split off from the PAP in 1961, resigned from Parliament, leaving the PAP as the doctor representative party (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore became independent in August 1965, an d has had autocratic voting since the late 1950s (e truly Singaporean 21 years of age or older essential vote). Between 1968 and October 1981, in four national parliamentary elections and innumerable by-elections, the PAP won every seat (Bellows, 1985).The maximum term in Parliament is five years. The president appoints nominated members of Parliament from nominations by a special select committee. Nominated members of Parliament (NMPs) enjoy the same privileges as members of Parliament, but cannot vote on constitutional matters or expenditure of funds (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Members of Parliament serve only two-and-a-half-year terms. As stated above, the opening night of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of steamships launched an era of prosperity for Singapore as transit trade expanded throughout Southeast Asia (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010).Also, in the twentieth century, the Automobile industrys need for rubber and the packaging industrys need for tin assisted Singapore in becoming one of the Worlds major ports. Singapores location among major sea lanes, and its industrious population, is what gives this minuscular country its economic importance (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Upon independence in 1965, Singapore was faced with a lack of physical resources and a sm every(prenominal) domestic market.In response, the Singapore Government adopted a pro-business, pro-foreign investment, export-oriented economic policy framework, combined with state-directed investments in st castgic government-owned corporations. Singapores economic strategy proved a success, producing real growth that averaged 7. 8% from 1965 to 2009 (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). In addition to this economic strategy, the end of the cold war brought about less accent between Asian counties, which brought the region into a more globalizing production process (Heng, 2006, pg. 2).In the 1980s, Singapore en tered into a growth triangle (GT) with Indonesia and Malaysia, also written as IMS-GT. This triangle would prove to be a respectable move for the three countries, but with free trade agreements (FTAs) and close economic partnerships (CEPs) coming onto the scene, the growth triangles introduced in the 80s looked as if they may permit competition in the economic realm, but GTs go on to be at the tip of the spear due to the cooperation between the three be still very productive for them all. With all three countries being relatively close together, costs are minimal.Not to mention, this export-oriented cooperation is still attractive to foreign trading (Heng, 2006, pg. 1). The pioneering GT in Southeast Asia is that of the IMS-GT, and its evolution is very much tied to the economic development of the Singapore economy (Toh & Low, 1993, Kakazu, 1997). There are five GTs in existence and GTs are highly regarded by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). There were two ma jor happenings that temporarily effected Singapores economy between 2001 and 2003the worldwide electronics slump and the outbreak of Severe lancinating Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).Both times, growth bounced back, by world demand for electronics, pharmaceuticals, other manufactured goods, and financial services. The glide by was mostly contributed to by the economies of its major trading partnersthe United States, the European Union, Japan, and China, as well as expanding rising markets such as India (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The next economic hit that Singapore would set about to endure would not take place until 2008-2009. The hit was due to global financial crisis.Singapore had their score two quarters in late 2008 and early 2009, but would bounce back quickly (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Manufacturing and services are the backbone of Singapores economy, producing 26% and 69. 3% of Singapores gross domestic product in 2009. Singap ores manufacturing of electronics counts for 31. 5%, while chemicals account for 27% of the countrys manufacturing output. The government also approved the development of two casinos in Singapore, in May 2005, to facilitate new life in tourism. The investment produced more than $5 billion U.S. dollars.Las Vegas littoral Marina Bay Sands and Resort undefendable in April 2010 and Genting Internationals Resort World Sentosa clear in February 2010 (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Lee Kuan Yew once said, A casino in the city state was possible, only over my dead body. Now, with the extra income to the economy, he seemed to have warmed up to the casinos. April 27, 2010, the opening of the Las Vegas Sands was published in USA Today and quoted as saying, Singapores second casino-resort opened Tuesday, a massive $5. billion project by Las Vegas Sands Corp. that aims to makeover the city-state as a Southeast Asian gambling and tourism magnet Singapore is continuing to gr ow economically as stated by the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, The government is actively negotiating eight free trade agreements (FTAs) with emerging economic partners and has already concluded 18 FTAs with many of its key trade partners, including one with the United States that came into soldiers January 1, 2004.As a member of the Association f Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Singapore is part of the ASEAN sluttish Trade Area (AFTA), and is signatory to ASEAN FTAs with China, Korea, Japan, India, and a joint agreement with New Zealand and Australia. Singapore is also a party to the Transpacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, which includes Brunei, Chile, and New Zealand (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore was a small society open to influence from the west through the slope language and subject to homogenizing set up of modernization and industrialization. Ethnicity was not assured as a fundamental element (Unknown, n. d. ).Sing apore, as stated by the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The yearbook population growth rate for 2009 was 3. 1%, including resident foreigners. Singapore has a diversity of linguistic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. Malay being the national language, but Chinese, English, and Tamil are also recognized as official languages. English is utilized in administration, professions, business, and schools (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). English is mandated as the primary language by the Singapore Government to be used at all levels in schools.The government is said to go forth at least ten years of education in English for every child (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). I have personally experienced this to be quite true. I have been to Singapore on three different occasions during my Naval career, and there is a surprisingly union of nation in Singapore that speak very good Englis h. Ordering food at a restaurant in Singapore proved to be much easier than expected. Another surprising fact is that the literacy rate in Singapore is 96. 3% (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). A touchy subject in Singapore is the terms race and paganity.While 77% of the countrys population is Chinese, all Singaporeans are assigned a race at birth (determined by the fathers race), and this is indicated on an official identification card (Ho, 2009). The Singapore Department of statistics assigns the same meaning to both race and ethnicity and states the term ethnic group refers to a persons race (Ho, 2009). The Singapore constitution also contains provisions that supplant discrimination and guarantee protection to minorities, including articles 12, 16, and 152 (Tan, 2004). Singapore has diversity in ethnicity when it comes to religion.Singapore allows freedom of religion for the most part, but religion is subject to government view. Thus, some religions have been ban ned or restricted. Almost all Malays are Muslim other Singaporeans are Taoists, Buddhists, Confucianists, Christians, Hindus, or Sikhs (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The Buddhism is prominently displayed through Buddhist temples throughout Singapore. I actually saw many of these temples in my travels to Singapore. Some of these temples are very extravagant works of art. You may also see the diversity among Singaporeans if you are visiting during National Holidays.The people of Singapore will display their different cultures through dance and cultural clothing all across the country. The Singapore government experienced a loss of cohesiveness due to this multicultural social organization. The Government introduced Social Studies into the educational system in order to bring cohesiveness back into the country. The social studies course of study was introduced, in 2001, to secondary educational levelsstudents from fifteen to seventeen years old. It is designed to a llow students to grasp an taste of Singapores geopolitical situation, including its strengths and vulnerabilities (Ho, 2009).This curriculum brings to light the differences in this culturally diverse country. This in work out brings the different people of Singapore together, thus encouraging social cohesiveness. Singapore has risen to every altercate that has come her way. Singapore has grown politically, economically, and socially with minimal negative results. Politically, the PAP remains the leader in the government. Realizing the need for economic growth, the PAP has always stood by industrialization. The building of casinos in the city-state has shown a remarkable readiness to tap into tourism.Singapore remains at the head of the spear in terms of global trade. The social organization will continue to strengthen with education of youth. This fact has been recognizededucation of the next genesis will lead to political, economic and social success. Economic, social, and poli tical development requires autonomy and creativity as well as an effective, interventionist government staffed by a highly qualified and dedicated civil service. Singapore has come closer to achieving this mix than most other third World countries. There is much that other evolution countries could adopt from the Singapore experience (Bellows, 1985).