Friday, May 17, 2019

The Social Organization of Singapore

My research will be based on Political, Economic, and Social scheme of capital of capital of Singaporean industrialist metropolis-state. Even though Singapores history dates from the 11th century, the island was little known to the West until the 19th century. Singapore is one of the Worlds largest ports, because the city of Singapore has be line up a major port, with trade exceeding that of Malayas, Malacca and Penang combined.The arising of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of steamships launched an era of prosperity for Singapore as transit trade expand byout Southeast Asia (Bureau of eastern roughly Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore is a genuinely multicultural country, exactly education through social studies has brought the country into a social cohesive unit (Ho, 2009). Singapore is a Republica one-house Parliament makes the countys laws. A prime minister leads a Cabinet, which carries out the trading operations of the regime.The ruling political party i n Singapore, reelected con give the axeuously since 1959, is the Peoples Action Party (PAP), headed by Prime minister of religion Lee Hsien Loong (Bureau of tocopherol Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The president (chief of state) previously exercised lone(prenominal) ceremonial duties. As a result of 1991 constitutional changes, the president is now elected and exercises expanded powers over legislative appointments, government budgetary affairs, and internal security matters. The PAP believes that rationalism and expertise is the proper approach to social and economical problems that may arise (Bellows, 1985).The PAP has held the overwhelming majority of hobos in Parliament since 1966, when the opposition Barisan Sosialis Party (Socialist Front), a left-wing group that split off from the PAP in 1961, resigned from Parliament, leaving the PAP as the doctor representative party (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore became independent in August 1965, an d has had autocratic voting since the late 1950s (e truly Singaporean 21 years of age or older essential vote). Between 1968 and October 1981, in four national parliamentary elections and innumerable by-elections, the PAP won every seat (Bellows, 1985).The maximum term in Parliament is five years. The president appoints nominated members of Parliament from nominations by a special select committee. Nominated members of Parliament (NMPs) enjoy the same privileges as members of Parliament, but cannot vote on constitutional matters or expenditure of funds (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Members of Parliament serve only two-and-a-half-year terms. As stated above, the opening night of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of steamships launched an era of prosperity for Singapore as transit trade expanded throughout Southeast Asia (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010).Also, in the twentieth century, the Automobile industrys need for rubber and the packaging industrys need for tin assisted Singapore in becoming one of the Worlds major ports. Singapores location among major sea lanes, and its industrious population, is what gives this minuscular country its economic importance (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Upon independence in 1965, Singapore was faced with a lack of physical resources and a sm every(prenominal) domestic market.In response, the Singapore Government adopted a pro-business, pro-foreign investment, export-oriented economic policy framework, combined with state-directed investments in st castgic government-owned corporations. Singapores economic strategy proved a success, producing real growth that averaged 7. 8% from 1965 to 2009 (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). In addition to this economic strategy, the end of the cold war brought about less accent between Asian counties, which brought the region into a more globalizing production process (Heng, 2006, pg. 2).In the 1980s, Singapore en tered into a growth triangle (GT) with Indonesia and Malaysia, also written as IMS-GT. This triangle would prove to be a respectable move for the three countries, but with free trade agreements (FTAs) and close economic partnerships (CEPs) coming onto the scene, the growth triangles introduced in the 80s looked as if they may permit competition in the economic realm, but GTs go on to be at the tip of the spear due to the cooperation between the three be still very productive for them all. With all three countries being relatively close together, costs are minimal.Not to mention, this export-oriented cooperation is still attractive to foreign trading (Heng, 2006, pg. 1). The pioneering GT in Southeast Asia is that of the IMS-GT, and its evolution is very much tied to the economic development of the Singapore economy (Toh & Low, 1993, Kakazu, 1997). There are five GTs in existence and GTs are highly regarded by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). There were two ma jor happenings that temporarily effected Singapores economy between 2001 and 2003the worldwide electronics slump and the outbreak of Severe lancinating Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).Both times, growth bounced back, by world demand for electronics, pharmaceuticals, other manufactured goods, and financial services. The glide by was mostly contributed to by the economies of its major trading partnersthe United States, the European Union, Japan, and China, as well as expanding rising markets such as India (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The next economic hit that Singapore would set about to endure would not take place until 2008-2009. The hit was due to global financial crisis.Singapore had their score two quarters in late 2008 and early 2009, but would bounce back quickly (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Manufacturing and services are the backbone of Singapores economy, producing 26% and 69. 3% of Singapores gross domestic product in 2009. Singap ores manufacturing of electronics counts for 31. 5%, while chemicals account for 27% of the countrys manufacturing output. The government also approved the development of two casinos in Singapore, in May 2005, to facilitate new life in tourism. The investment produced more than $5 billion U.S. dollars.Las Vegas littoral Marina Bay Sands and Resort undefendable in April 2010 and Genting Internationals Resort World Sentosa clear in February 2010 (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Lee Kuan Yew once said, A casino in the city state was possible, only over my dead body. Now, with the extra income to the economy, he seemed to have warmed up to the casinos. April 27, 2010, the opening of the Las Vegas Sands was published in USA Today and quoted as saying, Singapores second casino-resort opened Tuesday, a massive $5. billion project by Las Vegas Sands Corp. that aims to makeover the city-state as a Southeast Asian gambling and tourism magnet Singapore is continuing to gr ow economically as stated by the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, The government is actively negotiating eight free trade agreements (FTAs) with emerging economic partners and has already concluded 18 FTAs with many of its key trade partners, including one with the United States that came into soldiers January 1, 2004.As a member of the Association f Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Singapore is part of the ASEAN sluttish Trade Area (AFTA), and is signatory to ASEAN FTAs with China, Korea, Japan, India, and a joint agreement with New Zealand and Australia. Singapore is also a party to the Transpacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, which includes Brunei, Chile, and New Zealand (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore was a small society open to influence from the west through the slope language and subject to homogenizing set up of modernization and industrialization. Ethnicity was not assured as a fundamental element (Unknown, n. d. ).Sing apore, as stated by the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The yearbook population growth rate for 2009 was 3. 1%, including resident foreigners. Singapore has a diversity of linguistic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. Malay being the national language, but Chinese, English, and Tamil are also recognized as official languages. English is utilized in administration, professions, business, and schools (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). English is mandated as the primary language by the Singapore Government to be used at all levels in schools.The government is said to go forth at least ten years of education in English for every child (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). I have personally experienced this to be quite true. I have been to Singapore on three different occasions during my Naval career, and there is a surprisingly union of nation in Singapore that speak very good Englis h. Ordering food at a restaurant in Singapore proved to be much easier than expected. Another surprising fact is that the literacy rate in Singapore is 96. 3% (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). A touchy subject in Singapore is the terms race and paganity.While 77% of the countrys population is Chinese, all Singaporeans are assigned a race at birth (determined by the fathers race), and this is indicated on an official identification card (Ho, 2009). The Singapore Department of statistics assigns the same meaning to both race and ethnicity and states the term ethnic group refers to a persons race (Ho, 2009). The Singapore constitution also contains provisions that supplant discrimination and guarantee protection to minorities, including articles 12, 16, and 152 (Tan, 2004). Singapore has diversity in ethnicity when it comes to religion.Singapore allows freedom of religion for the most part, but religion is subject to government view. Thus, some religions have been ban ned or restricted. Almost all Malays are Muslim other Singaporeans are Taoists, Buddhists, Confucianists, Christians, Hindus, or Sikhs (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The Buddhism is prominently displayed through Buddhist temples throughout Singapore. I actually saw many of these temples in my travels to Singapore. Some of these temples are very extravagant works of art. You may also see the diversity among Singaporeans if you are visiting during National Holidays.The people of Singapore will display their different cultures through dance and cultural clothing all across the country. The Singapore government experienced a loss of cohesiveness due to this multicultural social organization. The Government introduced Social Studies into the educational system in order to bring cohesiveness back into the country. The social studies course of study was introduced, in 2001, to secondary educational levelsstudents from fifteen to seventeen years old. It is designed to a llow students to grasp an taste of Singapores geopolitical situation, including its strengths and vulnerabilities (Ho, 2009).This curriculum brings to light the differences in this culturally diverse country. This in work out brings the different people of Singapore together, thus encouraging social cohesiveness. Singapore has risen to every altercate that has come her way. Singapore has grown politically, economically, and socially with minimal negative results. Politically, the PAP remains the leader in the government. Realizing the need for economic growth, the PAP has always stood by industrialization. The building of casinos in the city-state has shown a remarkable readiness to tap into tourism.Singapore remains at the head of the spear in terms of global trade. The social organization will continue to strengthen with education of youth. This fact has been recognizededucation of the next genesis will lead to political, economic and social success. Economic, social, and poli tical development requires autonomy and creativity as well as an effective, interventionist government staffed by a highly qualified and dedicated civil service. Singapore has come closer to achieving this mix than most other third World countries. There is much that other evolution countries could adopt from the Singapore experience (Bellows, 1985).

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