Thursday, October 31, 2019

Alto Chemicals Europe Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alto Chemicals Europe - Case Study Example Graaff suggested that the company should focus on its strengths and resort to ‘non-price’ selling. The skillful sales force should highlight superior technical service and ACE’s reputation as a reliable supplier while closing a sales deal. Graaff strongly advocated that the sales force should focus on converting more accounts from Barium to Tin. The intent was to generate business from small and medium-sized firms. Customer segments like wire and cable that were not price sensitive were also to be targeted under the new strategy to prevent price erosion. As a rule, ACE was to adopt the strategy of price leadership and not compete in the market merely by ‘meeting Barium prices’. Graaff envisaged that central coordination would help in regional optimization. Thus the headquarters took on the role of setting price and volume targets for the subsidiaries. In general, ACE was to pay less attention to low price markets and focus on high price markets. Compensation Plan The initial reaction from the sales personnel suggests that they are averse to the changes put forth by Graaff. Therefore a suitable compensation plan is to be devised to motivate the sales force to adopt the new strategy. It is recommended that the sales personnel are given incentive on each account they convert from Barium to Tin. A fixed, upfront amount should also be paid to them when they a small and medium-sized enterprise becomes a customer.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Discussion Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion - Personal Statement Example Looking back at all of the course requirements that I was able to accomplish, I think that I have satisfactorily met the outcomes of the course, except for international law, which I feel to study in the future. I actually feel challenged that I was not able to meet my personal expectations regarding learning the different concepts of international law, which is the reason why I plan to pursue majoring on international law someday. In addition, looking back at the discussions and the collaboration that I had with my fellow students, I think that the most important thing that I learned is the value of teamwork, which I see as an essential trait when one is going to be a part of law associates or law firms. Of course, in this course, I was able to learn the basic concepts of the legal profession, and I plan to build on it as I major on international law soon. This is because I hope to contribute to solve some of the world’s legal conflicts.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Entomotoxicology in Forensic Science

Entomotoxicology in Forensic Science ENTOMOTOXICOLOGY: A POWERFUL TOOL FOR FORENSIC SCIENCE For many years, forensic science have known that insects and their larvae hold answers to deaths that are not quite clear in terms of their actual timeframe or situations surrounding them. Now, a branch called entomotoxicology is helping those who work in forensic science find new answers to the questions that have remained in certain cases. This paper examines the role and science behind the advancing field of entomotoxicology in which toxins and drugs can be measured in the insects and larvae that infest even the most decomposed body. Before understanding this branch of forensic science, it is important to understand how bodies decompose and how insects become a part of the transformation of a human body once the person has died. It is important to study the decomposition process as part of a crime scene because it helps determine the victim, how they died, and when and where they died (Vass 2001: 192). Other factors, such as the presence of melanin can help investigators find out the race or ethnic background of the victim (Vass 2001: 192). Additionally, â€Å"knowledge of any trace amounts of chemicals, drugs, medications or toxins present in decomposed tissue may also be of help to investigators in attempting to determine the cause of death† (Vass 2001: 192). Having said that, it is then important to understand what is generally involved in the decomposition process. The start of the decomposition process has been clocked down to four minutes after death has occurred (Vass 2001: 190). The putrefaction process is where the body’s soft tissues are destroyed by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, fungi and protozoa (Vass 2001: 190). Part of what happens to a decomposing body is a mummification process (Anonymous 2007: 2) that is called adipocere, which is â€Å"insoluble fatty acids† that are left behind from â€Å"pre-existing fats† that forms within a month of death but can remain as part of the cadaver for literally centuries (Wikipedia 2007: 1). Created from bacteria that convert a body’s fat, adipocere is the formation of soap from this fat is also known as saponification and appears in the form of a â€Å"yellowish-white, greasy, wax-like substance† (Voss 2001: 190). This substance can slow the growth of bacteria and can protect the body from further decomposition (Wikipedia 2007: 1). Adipocere also â€Å"forms through hydrolysis† so it is more common in humid environments or when a body is found underwater (Wikipedia 2007: 1). It is also interesting to note that adipocere also seems more common on corpses that are clothed in synthetic materials versus natural materials, such as cotton (Anonymous 2007: 3). Additionally, soils that are highly alkaline contribute to adipocere formation (Anonymous 2007: 4). This is because the alkaline source hydrolyses the corpse’s fat, turning it into the aforementioned soap-like substance (Anonymous 2007: 4). The deposits of adipocere are beneficial in determini ng the weight of an individual, which may then lead to the identity of that person (Vass 2001: 192). Insect activity, including laying eggs, eventually becomes part of the process – sometimes as soon as the onslaught of rigor mortis (Anonymous 2007: 2) – and leads to a significant decline in the condition of a corpse (Vass 2001: 190). Injuries, such as wounds and other instances where the dead person previously bled before dying can increase the onset of insects and bacteria (Voss 2001: 1919). Along with adipocere in a decomposing body comes the infestation by maggots and bugs, which are interrelated due to the amount of adipocere and climate conditions of the area where the decomposing body is located. Insects – especially arthropods – have played a significant role in forensic science because they, including larval and mature forms, like to feed on organic substances (Tuzun and Acikgoz 2007: 1). They feed on wounds and decomposing bodies, subsisting on â€Å"the nostrils, sinuses, stomach, bowels, ears, vagina and anus part from the skin† (Tuzun and Acikgoz 2007: 1). Forensic entomology has been used for years to help calculate the time of death of a body as well as â€Å"who was the killer, whether a killer had been in a particular spot or not, which was the murder weapon, in what manner a person had been killed and so on† (Aggrawal 2001: 1-2). The exact science really uses an estimate of â€Å"the period of insect activity on the dead bodyà ¢â‚¬  (McKenna 2003: 3). There can be outside factors, such as â€Å"weather conditions, placement or concealment of the body, or other factors† that delay the arrival of insects (McKenna 2003: 3). For example, one noted forensic scientist who specialises in studying insects on bodies pointed out that â€Å"insects will begin to colonize an exposed body within minutes following death† in warm climates like Hawaii but may take longer to appear in more temperate climates (McKenna 2003: 3). However, what becomes hard to gauge is the effect of substances, such as heroin and cocaine, play on a person because it can be difficult to measure the toxicity level of these substances in the body once blood and certain tissue is no longer in a form to be accurately analysed (Tuzun and Acikgoz 2007: 1). Sometimes, it is not clear whether or not there might have been an â€Å"accidental or suicidal consumption of toxic substances† (Tuzun and Acikgoz 2007: 1). For example, in researching the subject of entomotoxicology, it is clear that it is only in recent years has it become a well-utilised facet of forensic science. An article from a 1998 Journal of Forensic Science had a case that described the suicide death of a heroin addict (Benecke 1998: 3). While the body showed signs of masses of eggs that were first and second generation cheese skippers, which helped the forensics team that the woman had been dead about four months, there were other unanswered questions in regards to the level of heroin in her body (Benecke 1998: 3): â€Å"This case indicates that P. caset does not shorten its development significantly under the influence of heroin as was observed for some arthropods. However, the exact concentration of heroin could not be determined because of the severe decomposition† (Benecke 1998: 3). In a similar case with another heroin addict, those investigating the death admitted that the â€Å"influence of drugs in corpses to the insects feeding on them is still in progress† and there was still no conclusive way to indicate the quantity of drugs in the body of the drug user (Benecke 1998: 5). This is where the relatively new science of entomotoxicology becomes an important and vital way to find solutions to certain cadaver issues related to drugs and toxins. Going beyond just studying the insects found on corpses to gain insights into what may have happened to a person, entomotoxicology includes â€Å"the post-mortem toxicological analysis of carrion-feeding insects in order to identify drugs and toxins present on intoxicated tissues† (Tuzun and Acikgoz 2007: 1). This branch of forensic science â€Å"also investigates the effects caused by drugs and toxins on arthropod development in order to assist the forensic post-mortem interval estimates† (Tuzun and Acikgoz 2007: 1). What happens is that â€Å"insect larvae eat the flesh of a person and based on the drug content of the insect, drug intake of descendent can be determined† (DeBoeck, Wood, and Samyn 2007: 14). The drugs or toxins become concentrated in the body of the insect tissue and may stay ther e based on the level of concentration from the cadaver (McKenna 2003: 4). As a particularly effective tactic during the autopsy stage, entomotoxicology is an incredible process that puts the amazing powers of insects to work: Diptera and other arthropods can be reliable alternate specimens for toxicological analyses in the absence of tissues and fluids normally taken for such purposes. Insects can be analysed quite easily after homogenisation by common toxicological procedures such as radio-immune analysis (RIA), gas chromatography (GC), think layer chromatography (TLC), high pressure liquid-mass chromatography (HPLC-MS) and gas-mass analysis (GC-MS). (Tuzun and Acikgoz 2007: 1). Previously, the methods used were â€Å"time-consuming and labor-intensive† (DeBoeck, Wood, and Samyn 2007: 5). The new methods incorporated into entomotoxicology utilise tandem mass spectrometry and multiple reaction monitoring to identify low levels of compounds â€Å"in complex biological matrices† (DeBoeck, Wood, and Samyn 2007: 6). Diagnosis allows for an actual analysis of the â€Å"metabolites of drugs† and helps differentiate â€Å"between prescription and non-prescription derivatives of drugs† (DeBoeck, Wood, and Samyn 2007: 6). To better understand how insects that have ingested toxic human flesh can help forensic scientists, it is best to examine a specific experiment that utilised the Black Blow Fly which had ingested Carisoprodol, a muscle relaxant sold by prescription only (Monthei 2007: 1): Even though Carisoprodol had no effect on the fly’s life cycle, the experiment is significant because a carbamate like Carisoprodol has not been tested before in this manner. This experiment could be done with another species of fly and have different results. Also, another person doing an independent study could take the maggots that I collected and determine if Carisoprodol accumulated in the maggots or if a metabolite of the drug is present. The presence of Carisoprodol would be significant to a toxicologist because if a body found at a crime scene was devoid of tissue, the toxicologist could use the maggots to determine if the deceased had Carisprodol in his or her system. My study showed that a forensic entomologist would not have to adjust the PMI based on the presence of the drug because this insect’s life cycle is not changed due to the drug (Monthei 2007: 1-2). Similarly, if a person was killed by morphine and the body ended up becoming infested by maggots during the decomposition process, the morphine can now be detected by analysing the maggots and the larvae (Aggrawal 2001: 1). What’s interesting is that, as the maggots â€Å"metamorphose into pupae, this morphine gets incorporated in their walls (Aggrawal 2001: 1). This means that, even years later, a skeletonised body could be tested and found to have died from morphine by testing pupae shells around the skeleton since morphine is impossible to detect by studying human bones (Aggrawal 2001: 1). The book entitled, A Fly for the Prosecution, goes into great detail explaining how entomotoxicology works. The author describes a paper published in 1990 by Pascal Kintz that describes how he tested for five drugs in both a cadaver’s organs and the maggots that were found and while the organs only tested positive for four of the drugs, the maggots had all five, including an insecticide known as malathion (Aggrawal 2001: 3). Interestingly enough, â€Å"in the case involving malathion, his conclusions regarding the time of death were a bout five days, while other evidence was pointing towards eight days†¦.Malathion had failed to kill the maggots†¦but had delayed their maturation by 3 days (Aggrawal 2001: 3). The level of malathion would have killed them if they had been adult flies instead of maggots (Aggrawal 2001: 3). As forensic science progresses, more advancements have been made, particularly in the areas of DNA technology and entomotoxicology. In terms of DNA advances, this tactic has enabled forensic scientists to more quickly identify â€Å"early instars of the Diptera larvae, eliminating the need for time consuming rearing of the larvae to the adult stage† (McKenna 2003: 5). Additionally, â€Å"the effects of various drugs and toxins on maggots development have demonstrated the need to include these in the estimations of the periods of insects development on a body when estimating the post-mortem interval† (McKenna 2003: 5). This is just some of the many examples available on how this new area of forensic science is providing more answers for those doing autopsies or studying crimes. While insect evidence as part of forensic study became more credible in the 1980s, it has slowly become more accepted rather than having maggots removed from a body to reach the â€Å"real evidence† (McKenna 2003: 4). Now, the role of entomologists and law enforcement are becoming more comfortable with each other as the number of cases are indicating the amazing finds of both straightforward entomology forensics and entomotoxicology in particular cases. Adding the use of insect toxicology as a scientific tool to their other capabilities allows the forensic scientist to uncover further clues that might have previously gone unnoticed due to their inability to gather the evidence from a badly decomposed corpse or from mummified or skeletal remains. References Aggrawal, A. (January-June 2001). A fly for the prosecution by M. Lee Goff. Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2, 1, Available at: Anonymous (2007). Chemistry. Adipocere, Available at: Benecke, M. (July 1998). Six forensic entomology cases: description and commentary. Journal of Forensic Sciences. DeBoeck, G., Wood, M., and Samyn, N. (2007). Recent applications of LC-MS in forensic science. McKenna, D. (11 November 2003). A bug life: 10 questions for a forensic entomologist. Available at: Monthei, D. (30 March 2007). Bugs on drugs. Virginia Commonwealth University, Available at: Tuzun, A. and Acikgoz, H.N. (2007). A new investigation area in forensic sciences: entomotoxicology. Available at: Vass, A.A. (November 2001). Beyond the grave – understanding human decomposition. Microbiology Today, 28, 190-192. Wikipedia. (2007). Adipocere. Available at:

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Importance of Censorship :: Television Media TV Censorship

The Importance of Censorship As new technologies evolve and become a part of our daily lives, so do television shows and what people are allowed to view on a regular basis. Censorship, a word that seems to be causing quite some controversy over certain people may not be such a bad idea. As America has seen, a countless amount of people have been known to complain about censorship on television. Although this seems to be a problem to some, maybe the real question to be asked is, is there enough censorship of television? Many families agree that certain rated R movies should not be shown to young children and only certain shows should be censored to an extent, yet they do not see the significant effect that regular television shows really have on their children.As a child grows, more and more statistics are proving that they are being exposed to too many shows that should be censored. Many studies have concluded that young children are most affected by what they see on television (Dritz, Russel 1996). For example, a child that watches a cartoon with a lot of violence or tunes into their parents favorite soap opera might find an increasingly amount of exposure to violent acts and sexual content. Children are very vulnerable to such influences and often do not know the difference between right and wrong and the difference between reality and fantasy (Dritz, Russel 1996). As the years go on and television seems to be too censored to most, studies have continued to prove the increasing numbers of children associated with violence and sexual behavior. Although a seemingly older statistic, the Neilson Index averaged American children to watch 18,000 television murders before he or she graduated from high school (Tucker, Larry A. 1988). Could this be a reason for an increasing amount of murders and violent acts among children today?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environmental Benefits of Solar Panels Essay

Environmental Benefits of Solar Solar Panels Produce Electricity with Zero Emissions Solar energy generated via solar panels (also known as Photovoltaic Solar or PV solar) is one of the most sustainable ways we have of generating energy and electricity today. First and foremost solar panels produce electricity without emissions of any kind. The majority of electricity we use in the United States today is generated from burning coal. Recently there has been a lot excitement around the idea of clean coal, but it is important to remember that this technology only exists as a concept and many experts doubt it will ever be commercially feasible. Solar panels are a proven, time tested, highly evolved technology and are ready for use now, and as the industry expands solar panels are becoming increasingly effective and cost efficient. Other Alternative Energy Technologies have Serious Environmental IssuesOther alternative energy technologies like nuclear reactors and hydroelectric dams pose both policy challenges and unfortunate environmental consequences when compared to PV solar. Nuclear reactors create hazardous waste that is piling up at power plants across the nation, and by the time the first nuclear waste storage facility might be finished, all of its available storage space will already be spoken for. In comparison, generating electricity with hydroelectric dams doesn’t result in the emission of greenhouse gases, but it does have disastrous effects on the ecosystem in and around the river it interrupts. Go Solar and Reduce Your Carbon Emissions by 23,000 pounds! The average American home uses more than 11,000kWh of electricity every year, resulting in the emission of 23,122lbs per year of CO2 from burning coal. By comparison, the average automobile in the United States is responsible for emitting approximately 14,600lbs of CO2 into the atmosphere in a given year. This means that for every American home that converts to solar energy and PV solar, the resulting reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is equivalent to taking about 1. cars off the road. If the state of California were to harness solar power to satisfy just its residential energy needs, the impact would be the same as taking almost 20 million cars off the road. By installing solar panels on your home or business you can make a major contributions to the fight against global warming while also insulating yourself from the inevitable price increases from power companies tied to diminishing fuel sources. Solar Energy is an Infinite ResourceAnd not only is electric power from solar panels free from greenhouse gas emissions, it’s also an infinite resource. The fact is there are only so many gallons of oil, trainloads of coal, and cubic feet of natural gas in our planet, and they will run out. Our daily lives rely on huge amounts of energy and while there is a fair amount of discussion and disagreement about how long these fuels will last, there is strong consensus that we use these resources faster than they are replenished and sooner or later they will run out. During a single day more energy in the form of sunlight finds its way to earth than we could ever hope to use. The sooner we begin to harness this energy through the deployment of solar panels (PV solar), solar water heaters, and other solar energy technologies, the sooner we will see the effects of anthropogenic climate change slow and reverse, and the sooner we will see our economy thrive without the limits of expensive and finite sources of energy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sense and Stylistic Analysis

Sense and stylistic analysis â€Å"The Escape† I would like to consider sense and stylistic peculiarities of the text that I have recently read. The title of the story is â€Å"The Escape†, it was written by Somerset Maugham. First of all, some facts from the author’s biography. William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers of the 20th century. He was born in 1874 in Paris. He received a medical degree; however he never practised medicine, but all his life he had a great desire to write.The first novel â€Å"Liza of Lambeth† he wrote at the age of 23, but it had no success. For about 10 years he wrote manifold plays and novels and starved. But he did not give up. In 1907 he produced in London a comedy of manners â€Å"Lady Frederic† which finally brought him luck. Soon afterwards Maugham became internationally celebrated. So he became independent and began to travel. He came to know Europe, the United States, China, Spain, the So uth Seas. Some of his another famous works are â€Å"Cakes and Ale†, â€Å"Moon and Sixpence†, â€Å"Ashenden†, â€Å"Don Fernando† etc.He died in 1965 at the age of 91. Now let’s return to the story â€Å"The Escape†. It relates to the relationships between men and women. The main characters of the story are the narrator, his friend Roger Charing and a woman Ruth Barlow. The plot of the story is quite simple, but interesting at the same time. At the beginning of the text the narrator proposes a thesis that â€Å"if a woman once made up her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him†. But he says that not every man could manage to escape.And here the narrator tells us a short story, settled in one complex sentence, which has something in common with the following and the main story of the text. One narrator’s friend, having realized that a woman wanted to merry him, decided for a flight. He took ship. The aut hor uses here parenthesis â€Å"with a toothbrush for all his luggage, so conscious was he of his danger and the necessity for immediate action† in order to emphasize that a man was ready for everything to escape this marriage.Then he spent a year travelling around the world, but the first person he saw when he returned was that woman he tried to flee. The irony runs through the narration, supported by such words and phrases: â€Å"instant flight†, â€Å"inevitable loom†, â€Å"menacingly†, â€Å"thinking himself safe†. So, this short story serves as the introduction to the one following below. Then the narrator says that he knew only one man who managed to extricate himself in such situation. His name was Roger Charing. He was no longer a young man, but strong and hefty, and had plenty of money.He possessed a common sense and worldy wisdom, and was prudent. But when he fell in love with Ruth Barlow, â€Å"he went down like a row of ninepins†; this simile used by the author adds to the satirical tone of the narration. Mrs. Barlow was twice a widow, and now she made up her mind to marry Roger. She was very unfortunate person, sufferings followed her; this fact is underlined in the following sentence constructed in the form of parallel construction: â€Å"If she married a husband he beat her; if she employed a broker he cheated her; if she engaged a cook she drank†.Besides, Ruth Barlow had pretty, pathetic appearance and splendid dark eyes which were always ready to fill with tears. The author uses such epithets describing her as â€Å"splendid dark eyes†, â€Å"the most moving eyes†, â€Å"poor dear†, â€Å"helpless little thing†, â€Å"lovely eyes†, â€Å"pathetic†, â€Å"unfortunate†, â€Å"rotten time†. It was not surprising that she touched the strings of Roger’s heart, and he wanted to do something for her, to protect her, to save her from the ha zards of life. And when he decided to merry her and commit such a good action, he was very proud of himself.Here we must admit that everything was not so ambiguous. At first sight we should sorry for this poor woman, be in sympathy with her, and admire Roger’s kind heart. However, we feel that all the mentioned above stylistic devices make a humorous, ironical effect, and we understand that everything is not so sweet and sincere in this story as it seems at first sight. Further on the narrator characterizes Ruth already from another side; the author uses the epithets â€Å"stupid† and â€Å"scheming† and the simile â€Å"as hard as nails†, so that we see her false nature and the narrator’s negative attitude to her.Indeed, this woman was not so helpless, defenseless and poor, but rather cunning and artful; she used her pathetic appearance and various tricks in order to achieve her purposes, to arose Roger’s compassion and in the long run to m arry him. The author gives us to comprehend that Ruth just wanted to seem helpless and poor, but indeed she was not. As for Roger, he, on a sudden, fell out of love. The phrase â€Å"on a sudden† supposes that this was not a deep, sincere feeling, but just a shallow, surface passion.Now Roger realized what the sort of woman he had to deal with. Of course, he already did not want to merry her. But it was awkward for a man to jilt a woman and in order not to get a bad reputation he needed Ruth to release him by herself. That is why he thought over one scheme. He said Ruth nothing about that change in his feelings. He remained attentive to all her wishes, he took her to dine at restaurants, he sent her flowers, he was sympathetic and charming. And they arranged to marry as soon as they found a house that suited them. Then the house-hunting began.They examined a great number of houses, but Roger always found a fault that made a house unsuitable. He said he couldn’t bear to ask his dear Ruth to live in any but the perfect house. The narrator says: â€Å"Sometimes they were too large and sometimes they were too small, sometimes they were too far from the centre of things and sometimes they were too close; sometimes they were too expensive and sometimes they wanted too many repairs; sometimes they were too stuffy and sometimes they were too airy; sometimes they were too dark and sometimes they were too bleak†.The author deliberately uses parallel constructions to emphasize the duration of the similar actions. The author ironically depicts how long they were looking for a suitable house, how many houses they examined and inspected, and how tiresome and tiring was this business. It was obvious that Roget was trying Ruth’s patience and was waiting for her to be the first to break their relations. Of course, Ruth guessed his plan and finally lost her patience. Ruth’s letter to Roger is the climax of the story, because all the events pre ceding this one have been tensing the atmosphere.Her letter, where she informed Roger she was going to merry another man, was the final point in their relationships. So Roger reached his aim. As for me, I sympathize with none of them. I think they make a pair: Ruth had a scheme to marry him, Roger had a scheme to escape. They lied to each other, they tricked each other. I think the main idea the author wanted to bring to us is the importance of being honest. He reminds that one should stay honest to a person, even if one has fallen out of love with. But the relations based on trickery and scheming are doomed from the beginning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Canda At War

Canda At War Assessment of Inappropriate Behavioral Development It is far easier to measure a child's physical growth and maturation than to assess the complexities of individual differences in children's disruptive and antisocial development. Pediatricians can clearly record increases in a child's weight and height on growth charts and even provide percentile estimates indicating how a child compares to others at the same age. Measuring and interpreting acceptable versus unacceptable and normal versus abnormal behaviors among children and adolescents are far more complex.Children and adolescents often test the limits of appropriate conduct by crossing the boundaries set by caretakers. When a youth exhibits a particular problem behavior, it is important to consider not only if the behavior has previously occurred, but also if it is exhibited in multiple settings and with what frequency, duration, intensity, and provocation. For example, a 2-year-old who playfully nips a playmate is less off the m ark of developmentally appropriate behavior than a 4-year-old who aggressively and frequently bites playmates to forcefully gain possession of desired toys.My wife reading in bed. And it wasn't because she ...Among adolescents, a certain degree of misbehavior, experimentation, or independence seeking is common. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association (1994) indicates that "New onset of oppositional behaviors in adolescence may be due to the process of normal individuation." On the other hand, youth who persistently and progressively engage in problem behaviors with significant impairment in personal development, social functioning, academic achievement, and vocational preparation are of great concern to caretakers. Also of concern is the broad category of "antisocial behaviors" that have an appreciable harmful effect on others, in terms of inflicting physical or mental harm on others or causing property loss or damage.The Semantics of Disruptive and Delinquent Behavior A mothe r finds parenting exhausting and describes her 7-year-old son as extremely energetic, frequently switching from one play activity to...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quotes From Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

Quotes From 'Pride and Prejudice' - Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice begins with one of classic literatures  most famous lines. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. With a keen understanding of courtship, Jane Austen has been credited with helping turn marriages from a contract to a romance. Her novels helped promote the idea of marrying for love. Austen wrote many great heroes but its the hero of her first novel who steals most fans hearts. Mr. Darcy is one of the two most memorable characters in Pride and Prejudice. His battle of wits with Elizabeth Bennet has delighted readers for centuries. Here are a few quotes by (and about) Mr. Darcy. These words will give you a better sense of who he is, and what he appears to want and need in Jane Austens world. Quotes From Mr. Darcy Quotes She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles, for you are wasting your time with me.- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Mr Darcy to Mr. Bingley about Elizabeth Bennet; Ch. 3 But I can assure you, she added, that Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing. So high and so conceited that there was no enduring him! He walked here, and he walked there, fancying himself so very great! Not handsome enough to dance with! I wish you had been there, my dear, to have given him one of your set-downs. I quite detest the man.- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 3; Mrs. Bennet to Mr. Bennet about Mr. Darcy I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 5, Elizabeth about Darcy Your conjecture is totally wrong, I assure you. My mind was more agreeably engaged. I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow.- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 6; Darcy to Miss Bingley A ladys imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony, in a moment.- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 6, Darcy to Miss Bingley Nothing is more deceitful, said Darcy, than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 10; Darcy The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 10 To learn more about Pride and Prejudice check out this  study guide.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Equilibrium Concentration Example Problem

Equilibrium Concentration Example Problem This example problem demonstrates how to calculate the equilibrium concentrations from initial conditions and the reactions equilibrium constant. This equilibrium constant example concerns a reaction with a small equilibrium constant. Problem: 0.50 moles of N2 gas is mixed with 0.86 moles of O2 gas in a 2.00 L tank at 2000 K. The two gasses react to form nitric oxide gas by the reactionN2(g) O2(g) ↔ 2 NO(g).What are the equilibrium concentrations of each gas?Given: K 4.1 x 10-4 at 2000 K Solution: Step 1 -Â  Find initial concentrations: [N2]o 0.50 mol/2.00 L [N2]o 0.25 M [O2]o 0.86 mol/2.00 L [O2]o 0.43 M [NO]o 0 M Step 2 -Â  Find equilibrium concentrations using assumptions about K: The equilibrium constant K is the ratio of products to reactants. If K is a very small number, you would expect there to be more reactants than products. In this case, K 4.1 x 10-4 is a small number. In fact, the ratio indicates there are 2439 times more reactants than products. We can assume very little N2 and O2 will react to form NO. If the amount of N2 and O2 used is X, then only 2X of NO will form. This means at equilibrium, the concentrations would be [N2] [N2]o - X 0.25 M - X[O2] [O2]o - X 0.43 M - X[NO] 2XIf we assume X is negligible compared to the concentrations of the reactants, we can ignore their effects on the concentration[N2] 0.25 M - 0 0.25 M[O2] 0.43 M - 0 0.43 MSubstitute these values in the expression for the equilibrium constantK [NO]2/[N2][O2]4.1 x 10-4 [2X]2/(0.25)(0.43)4.1 x 10-4 4X2/0.10754.41 x 10-5 4X21.10 x 10-5 X23.32 x 10-3 XSubstitute X into the equilibrium concentration expressions[N2] 0.25 M[O2] 0.43 M[NO] 2X 6.64 x 10-3 MStep 3 - Test your assumption:When you make assumptions, you should test your assumption and check your answer. This assumption is valid for values of X within 5% of the concentrations of the reactants.Is X less than 5% of 0.25 M?Yes - it is 1.33% of 0.25 MIs X less than 5% of 0.43 MYes - it is 0.7% of 0.43 MPlug your answer back into the equilibrium constant equationK [NO]2/[N2][O2]K (6.64 x 10-3 M)2/(0.25 M)(0.43 M)K 4.1 x 10-4The value of K agrees with the value given at the beginning of the problem. The assumption is proven valid. If the value of X was greater than 5% of the concentration, then the quadratic equation would have to be used as in this example problem. Answer: The equilibrium concentrations of the reaction are[N2] 0.25 M[O2] 0.43 M[NO] 6.64 x 10-3 M

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gender equality, Islamic Law and the Modern Muslim state Essay

Gender equality, Islamic Law and the Modern Muslim state - Essay Example The issue of gender equality in Islam was not a central notion nor was it addressed until the 20th century by Muslim jurists. The status of Men and Women in Islam is continuously explained by the Muslim scholars in the light of teachings of Islam and Holy Quran. The Islamic laws negated the modern authoritative position attributed to men in modern states and gave equal rights to the women. Although Islam has given equal rights to women, the misinterpretation of its laws and principles has exposed the religion as a typecast. Islam permits women to hold any office outside her home as long as that post is not derogatory to the feminine nature. The only condition which Islam presses on the women is that their working outside their homes should not be a source of embarrassment for them and their families and must not harm their reputation as a woman and a human being. It also impresses on the women to strike a balance between their jobs outside their homes and their duties as a mother or a wife. The teachings of Islam also do not forbid Muslim women to interact with the opposite gender in public as per the requirement of their jobs . However, the gender gap index of the world in 2009 shows that most Muslim countries have performed below the global average and are not showing any signs of improvements in the previous years. Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria and Bahrain however, remain an exception to this. Yemen was rated at the bottom of the 134 nations graded for gender score index in 2009 . Additionally, it has been reported continuously that most of the Muslim women are denied basic human rights, ranging from permission of a guardian for marriage to abeyance of husband in all fields of life. Most of the people also blame Islam for the frequent incidents of Muslim men torturing women and providing them with below par living standards. According to experts on the subject, the true identity of Islam prevailed for a very brief period after its inception. Initially the Umayyads played havoc with the principles of Islam and then the Abbasids inflicted much of the damage to the concept of the religion. It did not end he re and the monarchs who ruled Iran continued to distort the religion by forcing their women to submit to the will of men. Another factor responsible for inequality of gender in Islam is colonialism. From 20th century onwards, colonialism has had a profound effect on the internal and external structure of the society. Through this concept, the already established norms and traditions were completely destroyed and novel foreign norms were imposed. It also exaggerated the existing gender divisions and labor roles of the two genders. Resultantly, the Islamic society completely collapsed with an environment of complete confusion. Men tried to find solace in rigid cultural customs e.g. forcing their women to cover themselves with veils and making them invisible in the eyes of the society. So much so that the princesses of once Mughul Empire were forced to indulge in prostitution. However, experts believe that understanding the complete scenario is essential before criticizing the principl es of another religion. The religious experts of Islam believe that Quran has given spiritual and moral equality to both men and women. This is clear from many verses in Quran clearly which spell out that men and women in Islam are in fact each other’s protectors and complement each other. There is a strong bond of respect between the two genders and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Media portrayal of plus size women causes young men to believe that Essay

Media portrayal of plus size women causes young men to believe that overweight women are lazy, unattractive, and ignorant - Essay Example I immediately drop the magazine and start doing sit-ups. Can you blame me?† (Maine 90) This woman is not alone. These images do more damage then many people understand. Women who wear large sizes are judged based on their body, not on other attributes. It does not matter how smart, or how funny they are, what kind of person they are, or even how beautiful their face is. What counts is their size, and they will constantly be judged by that. Often the most painful judgment comes from men; they scorn, they catcall, and they chose to ignore women who do not meet the beauty standard. It is through the media, men learn that women must meet the ideal, or they are not valuable. By looking critically at two media forums, television, and magazines, it is clear that the impact media has on men’s understanding of female beauty and value is directly linked to the false image media has imposed upon society. On of the best loved shows on television has had one of the strongest impacts on men’s understanding of beauty. For ten seasons Friends was adored by fans, and still today is on television everyday. Yet time and again comments were made about weight, and even at nine months pregnant Rachel was not allowed to look over a size eight! One of the most shocking moments comes when they do a clip back in history, and the viewer is taken to watch a scene between Ross, Monica and Chandler. When Chandler first meets Monica, Ross introduces her as â€Å"his little sister.† Chandler, noticing her weight comments, â€Å"yeah, okay.† Later, at a different meeting, when Monica has lost weight, he then finds her incredibly attractive. Although she is the same person, what matters is her outside, not her inside. Another show, discontinued in 1997, was Married†¦with Children. About families, the main character, Al Bundy, works as a shoe salesman, and has particularly negative views of large women. There are constant, negative quotes from the show,

Transitions for children with special needs Literature review

Transitions for children with special needs - Literature review Example These points of transition are especially significant in the lives of the child and their family, involving considerable stress and challenges for families, children, receiving, and sending staff. Several theoretical frameworks exist that are significant in the conceptualization of the process of transition, especially for children with special needs. These include the Bio-ecological Model, the McCubbin and McCubbin Resiliency Model of family stress, adjustment, and adaptation, and the Conceptual Transition Model. Avalos-Snyder & Haugen (2014: p54) expounds on the Bio-ecological Model, discussing its focus on the development of children with special needs within the context of their immediate environment and their family, as well as the more distal and larger influences portended by the wider community. Relationships and interactions are viewed as being influential on the child’s development, occurring with the passing of time. Transition of children with special needs to school is characterized in this manner, in which the child is placed in the middle of the entire process and is influenced by their interactions with the immediate environment. McCubbin and McCubbin’s resiliency model of family stress, adjustment, and adaptation, as discussed by Rosenkoetter et al (2008: p34), concentrates on the vulnerabilities and strengths of the child’s family, such as the family’s ability to assess their child’s situation, problem solving, family functioning patterns, and their utilization of coping skills. The model uses these factors together in combination with consideration of the resources that are available to the family in its exploration of how these families adjust to change in the initial stages, as well as how they adapt to crises that they face. Dockett et al (2011: p49) applies the resiliency model of family stress, adaptation,

Impaired Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Impaired Nurse - Essay Example This has led to them developing a close relationship as coworkers. They therefore often meet after work for cocktails (Scott, 2010). Her friends consider her therefore to be the â€Å"life of the party†. This could be attributed to her drinking. The same friends she drinks with believe she is in the edge of a problematic behavior. Unfortunately none of the friends have considered to mention this to her. It is known that this could compromise her personal safety (impaired driving) (Naegle, 1998). With her friends considering her to be fun to be around with, they dare not help her hence the partying will continue. She is known to be an excellent nurse and at the same time a hardworking person (Scott, 2010). She even volunteers for extra shifts during her extra free time. The research from the journal shows also that 18 million Americans suffer from alcohol abuse. History also shows that this huge numbers of persons suffering from alcoholism have family history with problems of drinking. The exact number of nurses who abuse alcohol is not known. But, a big number of professional nurses assumed to have a problem with drinking is 6 to 10 percent (Naegle, 1998). This problem has led to the nurses been impaired. In the end the patient have to fear for their own well being while the nurses need intervention to protect them from inflicting personal

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sale of Goods Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sale of Goods Contracts - Essay Example Money is the commonly used consideration in exchange of goods world over as the medium upon which the price of commodities is set after negotiations by the parties involved. Sale of goods contracts do not necessarily require formal documentation for them to be binding. The parties can make contracts expressly by word of mouth, put in writing, partly in writing and partly by word of mouth or the parties can imply them in their conduct. Under the sale of goods contract, the price of goods is determined through several ways including; a joint decision by the parties, adoption of a course reached under the contract, have a fixed price in the contract or have the buyer incur a rational cost for the goods. The goods in question can be either existent or prospect goods that the seller will obtain or produce after entering the sale contract. The buyer may also determine specific details in the goods before completing the sale, or may not give the specific details in the event of general good s or in cases where the goods are a part of already determined goods (Jennifer & Donald, 2007:136).  The capacity to enter into a sale contract in most legal systems across the globe depends on the prevailing rules pertaining to the capability of the buyer to bear liability for their actions. The seller has to be conscious of the age of the buyer, their mental sanity and sobriety at the time of sale in order to ensure that they are legally liable for their actions.    Although the sale contract must not be in writing for it to be binding, it is prudent that the it be in writing in order to avert any cases of vagueness and changes in the terms of sale agreed upon. Issues such as delays in delivery, changes in market prices, changes in the quality of goods agreed, the need to return goods owing to alteration in descriptions or whether the goods can be returned can only be effectively resolved if there is a written agreement upon which reference can be made (Sally, 2004:34). Such c ontracts put in writing may include such aspects of implied terms as: 1. The right of the seller to offer the goods for sale and that they are not subject to any security interests and that the buyer can quietly enjoy the goods. 2. In the event of sales made based on description, the good have to adhere to the descriptions or according to samples agreed upon by the parties. 3. The quality of the goods is satisfactory as agreed unless the buyer gets a notice of any alterations prior to completing the sale. 4. The seller will maintain the fitness of the goods at a reasonable level for the purpose implied or expressed by the buyer. Legal systems in the United Kingdom, like in most of other European countries, recognise both the expressly stated and implied sale contracts, although it gives more credit to the written agreements over the oral contracts. For the written contracts, both parties have to append their signatures on the contract in order for them to be legally binding. General ly, such contracts are final although there can be modification to the original contract if the buyer and the seller come to an agreement to that effect. In the event that any of the parties disagrees, the sale pact should remain as it was in the commencement of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Jocelyn Moorhouses How to Make an American Quilt Essay

Jocelyn Moorhouses How to Make an American Quilt - Essay Example However, when she asks Marianna who the latter would marry, Marianna shows her vulnerable side by saying â€Å"I would marry my soul mate† (American Quilt, 1995). Thereby she reveals the incident she has kept with her from her youth: she met a man by chance, and ended up spending the evening with him, only to find out later, after discovering her inner connection with him, that he was married. Marianna has always been brave; she has chosen whichever path her instincts have told her to follow. Perhaps this is why her character is the most colorful out of all the rest, and why she seems to be the most brilliant amongst the members of the quilting bee. Since she has chosen the â€Å"right colors† in the words of Anna (American Quilt, 1995), her life was much enhanced by it. In life, whatever choices we make have a consequence on our personality. A wrong choice does, like Anna says, â€Å"dull the colors and hide the original beauty† (American Quilt, 1995). This message, I would say, resonates in my life. I have always gone by instinct; that is to say, I have always trusted my instincts, without knowing why, and have made choices based on it. One of the reasons I can identify with the character of Marianna in the movie is that, like her, I too follow my hearts desires. This practice has, indeed, enriched my life. I have always been, and still am, my own person. Sometimes this entails going against the grain, however, in the long run, I have noticed, that it always pays to be true to oneself. One has to be brave to stand up to the opposition of one’s peers or your parents, but if one remains true to oneself, I feel one’s life is all the more enriched for that very reason. Just like Marianna in the movie, I can easily say that I have had no regrets in life, because I have always stayed true to myself.

Sale of Goods Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sale of Goods Contracts - Essay Example Money is the commonly used consideration in exchange of goods world over as the medium upon which the price of commodities is set after negotiations by the parties involved. Sale of goods contracts do not necessarily require formal documentation for them to be binding. The parties can make contracts expressly by word of mouth, put in writing, partly in writing and partly by word of mouth or the parties can imply them in their conduct. Under the sale of goods contract, the price of goods is determined through several ways including; a joint decision by the parties, adoption of a course reached under the contract, have a fixed price in the contract or have the buyer incur a rational cost for the goods. The goods in question can be either existent or prospect goods that the seller will obtain or produce after entering the sale contract. The buyer may also determine specific details in the goods before completing the sale, or may not give the specific details in the event of general good s or in cases where the goods are a part of already determined goods (Jennifer & Donald, 2007:136).  The capacity to enter into a sale contract in most legal systems across the globe depends on the prevailing rules pertaining to the capability of the buyer to bear liability for their actions. The seller has to be conscious of the age of the buyer, their mental sanity and sobriety at the time of sale in order to ensure that they are legally liable for their actions.    Although the sale contract must not be in writing for it to be binding, it is prudent that the it be in writing in order to avert any cases of vagueness and changes in the terms of sale agreed upon. Issues such as delays in delivery, changes in market prices, changes in the quality of goods agreed, the need to return goods owing to alteration in descriptions or whether the goods can be returned can only be effectively resolved if there is a written agreement upon which reference can be made (Sally, 2004:34). Such c ontracts put in writing may include such aspects of implied terms as: 1. The right of the seller to offer the goods for sale and that they are not subject to any security interests and that the buyer can quietly enjoy the goods. 2. In the event of sales made based on description, the good have to adhere to the descriptions or according to samples agreed upon by the parties. 3. The quality of the goods is satisfactory as agreed unless the buyer gets a notice of any alterations prior to completing the sale. 4. The seller will maintain the fitness of the goods at a reasonable level for the purpose implied or expressed by the buyer. Legal systems in the United Kingdom, like in most of other European countries, recognise both the expressly stated and implied sale contracts, although it gives more credit to the written agreements over the oral contracts. For the written contracts, both parties have to append their signatures on the contract in order for them to be legally binding. General ly, such contracts are final although there can be modification to the original contract if the buyer and the seller come to an agreement to that effect. In the event that any of the parties disagrees, the sale pact should remain as it was in the commencement of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Life of Pi Analysis Essay Example for Free

Life of Pi Analysis Essay Having just experienced the sinking of his family’s ship, and being put onto a life boat with only a hyena, Pi felt completely lost and alone. Then he met a familiar face from his family’s zoo, Pi saw the Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker onboard. His first reaction was to save the life of Richard Parker so that he may have a companion, and a protector aboard the lifeboat. Suddenly Pi realizes just what he is doing. He is saving the life of Richard Parker, by welcoming him, a 450 pound Bengal tiger, onto the small lifeboat. He experiences a change of heart when helping the tiger onto the boat. Pi realizes that he is now posing a threat on his own life. With Richard Parker on the boat, Pi is faced with not only the fight to survive stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but the fight to survive living with a meat eating tiger. The change of heart that Pi experiences might possibly mean that he is an impulsive thinker. It may mean that he often does something on impulse without thinking it through, and then later regrets his actions. Though he was having bad experiences onboard, Pi maintains his religious beliefs while on the life boat through his daily prayers. He takes time aside each day to say the prayers that he always would say. In one instance, he turns where he believes Mecca is located, and prays his traditional prayers towards Mecca. Pi also often states that he will include specific animals in his prayers, such as the zebra aboard his lifeboat, and the first fish that he ever killed. With Pi keeping his ritual prayers going, it helped him to survive. He made comparisons between that of Orange Juice, the orangutan, and the Virgin Mary, and would also often bring up Jesus on the cross. Truly, Pi’s religious faith remained strong throughout his journey on the Pacific Ocean.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Lifestyle Theme Based Restaurant In Klang Valley Tourism Essay

Lifestyle Theme Based Restaurant In Klang Valley Tourism Essay Purpose Design/methodology To explore the issues, a quantitative study was conducted. There are 200 questionnaires distributed and less than 200 questionnaires expected to be completed in a correct manner. The questions in the survey will be measure by 5 points range scale, range from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). There are total of 20 questions been asked and each question represent the hypothesis that want to be tested. Findings Keywords Generation Y, Lifestyle Theme Based Restaurant, Theme Restaurant, Restaurant Choice Factor, Customer Satisfaction Paper type Research paper Introduction 2-5 pages Nowadays people are eating out more often, but they increasingly put a premium on saving time and eating healthy in better eating environments (Ryu Han, 2010). As a result, the new restaurants with theme based have emerged as a growth category in the foodservice industry. According to Fen Lian (2010) service quality, customer satisfaction and customers re-patronage intentions in the context of the restaurant industry are important. In Malaysia, the restaurant industry is experience an impressive transformation and strengthens competition. Restaurant is a very important area to explore but often become neglected area of study (Kivela, Inbakaran and Reece, 1999). The fact is restaurant business has a low assumption about the service and the quality of service is difficult to prove until customers come and patronize in the particular restaurant. The research problem arise from this study is because currently every restaurant has a theme, it tries to convey to its customers, some more successfully than others and some of the restaurants has failed due to they did not bring some improvement to the targeted specific market and not focus on their food quality (E.S.P consulting broker, 2010). They believe that the essenstial way in susccessful the restaurant is consistent in the good food and excellent customer service. Moreover, based on study done in Los Angles by Weiss, Feinstein and Dalbor (2004), has found out that sometimes theme based restaurants fails to provide an innovative idea and lack of entertaining experience to their customers (Bagli, 1998). The decline of theme restaurant industry also occurred because of high priced menus (Pate, 2000), low quality of food (Bagli, 1998), high development costs (Ramseyer, 2001), low repeat business (Farkas, 1998), poor location (Frumkin, 2000), and dà ©cor that never changes (Bagli, 1998). As there is study proof that Gen Y customers has a different life style compared to their baby boomer parents and other customer cohorts (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004) and have greater disposable income (Tomkins, 1999), Gen Y tend to looking for theme based things. So it is an opportunity for theme restaurant management to start look at Gen Y market. It is important to look at Gen Y preferences in choosing several of theme restaurants because Gen Y whose plays the role as consumers has their differentiation in their spending power and preferences. Moreover, if the food and customer service in the restaurant is not up to their preference, it will not drive them to go back to eat at the same place. In order to solve this research problem, I came out with a research question, What are the factors that influencing Generation Y in choosing lifestyle-theme based restaurant? The main purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect customer to dine at lifestyle-theme based restaurants. Because every single things that experienced by customers during their visit on that particular restaurant may be different each time, for example the quality of service experienced by one customer is different with the other customers. Thus influence their satisfaction level and their re-patronage intentions. The importance of this study is aimed for 2 aspects of service provider. First, it is aimed to help existed theme restaurant managers to form improvement strategies on their business which focus on characteristics that range most important from Gen Y customers. Second, it is aimed for the owners of new comers theme restaurant to improve better idea in order to attract Gen Y consumers to come and dine at their new theme restaurant, it is important for the new business to know and respond potential consumers expectation and preferences. The several objectives in this study were: (a) To identify the main factors that influences Generation Y in choosing lifestyle-theme restaurant; (b) To access Generation Y preference for lifestyle-theme restaurant selection; and (c) To address the importance of Generation Y preference to bring better marketing improvement and increase more revenue for lifestyle-theme restaurant. The type of research methodology is quantitative technique; the data collection method will be a structured survey which is a form of questionnaire, the sampling method will be generation Y respondents and they will be male and female in different background and profile but specific of their age will be between 16-32 years old. There will be 200 questionnaires distributed and less than 200 questionnaires expected to be completed in a correct manner. It will be conducted in area around Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, and Puchong. Potential respondents were pre-screened with the question, Have you dined at a theme restaurant in Malaysia during the past twelve months? If the answer was yes, respondents were asked to participate in the study by completing the next questions. The survey will be measure by 5 points range scale, range from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). This research consists of three parts in order to meet research objective and to answer research question. First part begins with a review on the literature related to theoritical framework on Generation Y behavior, customer satisfaction in theme based restaurant and hypothesis development. In second part there are two (2) things to highlight on; first (1) is explanation on research methodolgy used in conducting this research paper, second (2) is findings and analysis, it is describes the result obtained comprehensively and systematically. Third part is resolves the research questions, evaluate findings in order to meet research objective and to give recommendations. Then, conclusion will be showed at the end of the research paper. This study begins with a review of the literature related to facts about generation Y and a brief introduction to theme restaurants. Next, this study examines the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The study presents findings of aà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, and concludes that by highlightingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. and recommendations from a marketing and hospitality perspective. Part 1 Literature Review 15-20 pages FACTORS INFLUENCING GENERATION Y IN CHOOSING LIFESTYLE THEME BASED RESTAURANT IN KLANG VALLEY Introduction In order to identify what are the factors influencing Generation Y consumer in choosing which lifestyle theme restaurant to dine in, first main point we must understand the customer satisfaction towards theme based restaurant, because in restaurant concept, customer satisfaction is an indicator whether a customer will patronage to a restaurant (Fen Lian, 2010). Even there is no guarantee of a satisfied customer will return to that particular restaurant, but it is nearly certain that a dissatisfied customer will not repeat their visit (Soriano, 2002). So from the previous dining experience it will affect customer to re-visit the restaurant. In the literature review it will be explained about the facts about Generation Y and how they make their decision making, continue with explanation on 4 types among all of theme restaurants available in Malaysia with focus on lifestyle theme restaurant. Moreover, we will talk about customer satisfaction factors in 2 different types of restaurant, first in casual theme restaurant and second in theme based restaurant, from this comparison we can actually see the differences in customer satisfaction between these restaurants. Thus it drives 5 hypothesis are proposed to confirm the relationship between food quality, service quality, atmosphere, pricing and recommendation as a factors influencing Generation Y in choosing lifestyle theme restaurant. Facts about Generation Y Generation Y was born between 1979 and 1995, now aged 16-32 (Kattiyapornpong, 2009). They are optimistic, technology savvy and very demanding. Currently the majority of Generation Y is in university population. In their generation, they enjoyed Greenday, American Idol, Linkin Park, Black Eyed Peas and they also experienced global terrorism in November 9, 2001 (Kattiyapornpong, 2009). Experiences occur in childhood and teenage years create differences between baby boomers, generation X and genertion Y (McCrindle, 2010). Baby boomers were influenced by advent of TV, the Cold War, Rock and Roll and decimal currency. Generation X was influenced by Personal Computer, AIDS, single parent families, and recession. Generation Y was influenced by the advent of internet, cable television, globalisation and September 11 (McCrindle, 2010) Generation Y or millennial youths of this generation have significant spending power and wield considerable clout in purchase decisions for their family as well as being savvy consumers themselves (Harris Interactive, 2003; ODonnell, 2006; AC Nielsen, 2006; Wilson, 2007). Gen Y people they tend to form a community because they wanted to be understood, respected, included and accepted. This generation contributes strong loyalty to their friends. They work hard to fulfill what their peers expected from them, they have self-esteem and very well in regarded their self in group or sub-culture (McCrindle, 2010). Decision Making by Generation Y A study conducted by Halpern, 1997 saying that in order to arrive at a decision, there are several steps that must be followed, (1) must realize that it is going to be necessary to make a decision, (2) to determine the goals to be achieved, (3) generate alternatives which lead to fulfill the proposed goals, (4) evaluate whether these alternatives meet expectations and (5) select the best alternative. In decision process it seems that women are more affected by the environment, they look for more information and dedicate more time to the decision process (Gill, Stockard, Johnson, Williams, 1987) on the contrary, men are more dominant, assertive, objective, and realistic (Wood, 1990). Theme Restaurant Theming is the process where an environment is decorates by a distinct character. Nowadays theme based restaurant has become common strategy used by the service industry, especially those in hospitality and tourism industry (Munoz, C. Wood, N., 2009). Consumers are attracted to themed restaurants because of variety reasons. Higher standards of living and dynamic development in the food and beverage industry it drives consumer begins to pay attention towards environment, atmosphere and personalization apart from satisfying themselves in physical products. Todays consumers are excited in purchase products and steps to consume the product that brings the enjoyment and fulfill their experience (Miller, 2007). From many theme restaurants which focus on nation or regional like Italian, Japanese, Korean or Mexican, they using different concepts of theme to enrich their food styles and features. For the restaurant that taking music, history, sports or even gaming as their themes, various consuming experiences are deliver to the consumers. However, because of the development of theme restaurants create a lot of competitions in restaurant industry, many of theme restaurants are facing low profit or even negative rates. In order to turn this situation around and solve the problems, theme restaurants begin to attract customers one by one, by meeting their demand as well as increase in service quality and higher the restaurant standard. Clasiffication of Theme Restaurants (variety, deli, seafood) Talk about theme restaurant, it is not only about restaurant with particular theme, but theme restaurant also can be classified into many different types. Especially in Malaysia, there are many different theme restaurant opening now, however the main focus in this research paper is towards lifestyle theme restaurant. Here are the following different types of theme based restaurant available in Malaysia such as Ethnic Restaurant, Country Style Restaurant and Steak House Restaurant. These three theme restaurants will be explain in a brief form and it may not cover all types of theme restaurant in Malaysia, and next to it there will be spesific discussion on lifestyle theme restaurant. Ethnic Theme Based Restaurant In several of studies, the term of ethnic food has been defined differently. Utami (2004) defines ethnic food as a spesific cuisine from different region that reflect particular characteristics of its local origin. Utami (2004) added that people who are from different area from its origin will consider the food is ethnic. Based on restaurant segmentation study done by Olsen et al. (2000), an ethnic restaurant is defined as full service restaurant which offering dishes from foreign origin country for example Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Italian. For consumers, ethnic-themed restaurant is the most common and also the frequent exposure to theming by the restaurants. Consumers are dine to ethnic-themed restaurants for different reasons, for some of them ethnic-themed restaurants are innovation, a way to connect to their ethnicity (Negra, 2002) and interact with a different culture and gastronomy (Bailey and Tian, 2002; Barbas, 2003; Germann-Molz, 2003; Long, 2003; Tian, 2001). Currently the demand for ethnic cuisine and theme restaurants has been rise (Dundelston, 2003; Lewis, 2007; Wahlgreen, 2005). Walker (2007) argued that every ethnic restaurant is well design based from the crockery, food and restaurant dà ©cor of a national culture is consider as a theme restaurant. The example of the restaurant can be Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indian. If the restaurant is represent several national decorations using traditional ethnic color and artifacts and serving exotic cuisine, it is a theme restaurant (Walker, 2007) Country Style Theme Based Restaurant Based on a study done by Munoz, C. Wood, N. in 2009 about Mexican restaurants, this type of country restaurant has experienced a rise in popularity over the first decade of this twenty first century (Van Houten, 2004; Wahlgren, 2005). Their improving on the availability of spices, peppers, and produces (Ruggless, 2005). While this restaurant chains attentively provide a wider variety of regional dishes and flavors, others still continue to offer patrons on standard Americans menu items while forget the importance of this type of restaurant plays as a cultural arbiter. The majority of Mexican restaurants are often focusing on specific sounds, smells and textures to bring and create an appealing and successful environment in their restaurant (Solomon Englis, 1994). The components for success also often include elements such as restaurant design, employees, cultural artifacts, food, drink and entertainment music (Guinness, 2002). Steak House Theme Based Restaurant There are many steakhouse restaurants in Malaysia boasting to be the best. It can be nationwide franchises or homegrown branch. A lot of factors come into play when looking for a good steakhouse restaurant, ambience for instance, cleanliness of the establishment, fixtures and furnitures, and quality of service (Tilden, 2010). A good steak house restaurant should be have quick and polite servers in raising restaurants popularity and a sommelier should know the right kind of red wine would match with customers steak ordered. The restaurant should be able to fulfill guest spesific orders, have different gimmicks to attract their customers and lastly of course the steak itself (Tilden, 2010). One of the most successful steakhouse restaurant concepts is Outback Steakhouse. In Malaysia it self, we can find it in Kuala Lumpur and Bukit Bintang area. It is first opened in Florida in 1998, at that time beef was not everyones favourite meal but now there are more than 880 Outback Steakhouse restaurants out there (Walker, 2008). Each Outback Steakhouse restaurant is a friendly, casual, relaxing place, with fantastic food, excellent and attentive staff (Walker, 2008). 1.5.4 Casual Theme Restaurant One of the largest casual theme restaurant chains is Tony Romas, it specializing in baby ribs. With nearly 200 restaurants chain in 33 countries over 17 states and 6 continents, Tony Romas is one of the most globally recognizable restaurants name in food industry. Tony Romas also serves signature onion loaf, steak, onion loaf, chicken and seafood to thousand of guests every day. Tony Romas first opened in Miami, Florida on 1972. It featured casual dà ©cor with comfortable ambience. The menu offered is simple and consisted of great tasting food and reasonable price. Baby back ribs are the house speciality menu and everyone favourite menu (source: 1.5.5 Lifestyle Theme Based Restaurant Restaurants that featuring all varieties of live music is popular across the country. Theme restaurants segment has struggled during late of 1990s until this decade. Theme restaurants that have survived in restaurant business have given a priority on their quality of food (Miller, 2006). Famous restaurant like Hard Rock Cafà © and Planet Hollywood has been established since early 1990s, and both of these restaurants have promoted their brand reputation and expand in casino market. Theme restaurants like Hard Rock Cafà © and Planet Hollywood have huge of popularity and located in very strategic location nearby major tourist attractions. Like in Malaysia, Hard Rock Cafà © is located at Kuala Lumpur and Planet Hollywood previously also located at Kuala Lumpur but no longer opened. Most of the profit in many theme restaurants is come from the high price of merchandise (MacLaurin and MacLaurin, 2000). Large theme restaurants also involve large of capital and investments. They focus on architec, color, lighting, sound effect, color, fabrics, wall, furniture and fixtures. These all are blended together to create uniquenes, drama and excitement (Walker, 2007). In Las Vegas, different kind of theme restaurants founded however it is often fail because food and service are lost in the high theater. Food is really sensitive and main factor must have in many theme restaurants (Walker, 2007). Miller (2006) gives strategy for new comers theme restaurant concepts to make the food and dining experiences as a fundamental on restaurant business, high quality of food will help theme restaurants meets consumers preferences and expectations. Some theme restaurants appeal to an older generation and present a time for reflection and nostalgia, for examples Hard Rock Cafà © and Planet Hollywood (Walker, 2007). So in this research paper we will look at lifestyle theme restaurants like T-Bowl, The Garden, Full House, Bubba Gump, Gasoline, etc which these are the lifestyle theme restaurants can be found in Malaysia especially in Klang Vallety area and its patronise by generation Y. Garden Lifestyle Store and Cafà © Lately, more and more concept restaurants came in to food industry. Last two years there is new type of outlet which sells foods and decoration items. It is like you are dining in the middle of garden and at the same time you can shop in the lifestyle store. Garden Lifestyle Store and Cafà © established since 2009, offers an extensive of food choice fusing from both Western and Asian cuisines. It is a semi fine dining restaurant with breathaking atmosphere and impressive interior design to give customers an experience of dining in a real garden. The restaurant decorated with bunch of beautiful flowers and plants, a pianist will present a performance of melody rhythm from the stunning white grand piano. In Malaysia there are 6 branches of Garden Lifestyle Store and Cafà © which are located at 1 Utama, The Curve, Sunway Pyramid, Mid Valley, Alamanda (Putrajaya) and Viva (Kuala Lumpur). (Source: Full House Lifestyle Store Cafà © Fullhouse Lifestyle Store Cafà © is designed to resemble a full sized house. It offers fusion delight foods, unique menu and enjoyable dining experience. Besides from that, almost everything at Fullhouse is for sale, from clothes, accessories, gifts and decorative items. Fullhouse also provides event management, where you can arrange any party celebration or special occasion. They provide theme party as well as event service to help their guest to arrange the most happening party in town. It is a truly novel home dining experience. Guest will feel a homely ambience from the first step they walk into the restaurant. It is suitable for family gathering, romantic dinner and hangout place with friends (Source: T-Bowl Restaurant T-Bowl or known as Toilet Bowl Restaurant was established on 18th February 2008 and first opened in QueensBay Mall at Penang, Malaysia. This restaurant designed base on bathroom concept, where toilet bowl used as seat, basin as dining table, mini toilet bowl as platter. The restaurant offers varieties of cuisines range from Hong Kong, Japan, Korean and Western. Todays, eating is more to pleasure and enjoyment, it is not as simple as an action only. T-Bowl provides different eating experience, enjoyment and welcome generation of modern and trendy era (Source: Bubba Gump Shirmp Co. Restaurant and Market The first Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant and Market was opened in 1996 in California. It has grown in many locations throughout the United States and internation. It is chain of seafood restaurants, provides a casual environment and great meal. At Bubba Gump Shirmp Co. food is the diva. They offer features shrimp, famous baby back ribs and everyone favorite drinks. Since 1996, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. has been providing unique service, fantastic foods and fun casual atmosphere. Todays, this restaurant located in 22 domestic and 11 international locations, it has grown into a global brand (Source: Gasoline Cafà © Gasoline cafà © is a new dining sensation that carries out modern lifestyle. It is a new look cafà ©, provides varieties of delicious food, great atmosphere and convenient location. Gasoline cafà © is a concept cafà © specialized in comic themes. It provides fresh and nutrious meals. There is variety of cuisines served which are Hong Kong, Chinese, Japanese and Western cuisines. All the food and beverages are prepared according to teenagers preferences and refined to suit local tastes. The drinks offered such as variety of smoothies, soda drink and flavor taste of tea (Source: 1.6. Customer Satisfaction In todays competitive market, many companies are increasingly their firms marketing strategies and tactics in order to make profits and contribute fully growth of the company. Customer satisfaction factors and repatronage intention are global issues that may affect all organizations, it can be large or small company, profit or non-profit company and local or global company. To improve customer satisfaction and retention, many companies are concerned in learning, analyzing and implementing new marketing strategies which aim for the benefits on firms financial (Fen and Lian, 2010). Quality and customer satisfaction have been recognized as an important aspect for success and survival in todays competitive market. Many researchers have conducted on these two concepts, quality and satisfaction are link together to customer behavior in purchase and loyalty intention (Olsen, 2002); willingness to spread postive word of mouth (Kang, Nobuyuki and Herbert, 2004); and complaint intention (Sà ¶derlund and ÃÆ'-hman, 2005). In restaurant concept, customer satisfaction is used as an indicator whether a customer will patronage to a restaurant. Even there is no guarantee of a satisfied customer will return to particular restaurant, but it is nearly certain that a dissatisfied customer will not repeat their visit. An analysis on customer satisfaction factors will provide clues for food service manager to take action and increase the posibbility that customers will come back. (Soriano, 2002) In particular, food quality, atmosphere, menu, variety, service from staff, cleanliness, styling, price, interior design and dà ©cor, professional appearance of staff and store location are all the components of store image in restaurant industry (Baker et al. 1994; Lindquist, 1974; Prendergast Man, 2002). In this study, in order to identify the factors that drive consumers come back to the specific restaurant, firstly will be look at the factors effect consumers satisfaction in casual restaurant industry as there is a research done by Ryu Han (2010). Continuing to find out what are the factors that affect consumers satisfaction in theme based restaurants industry. So from here we can actually know what the differences between consumer satisfactions in normal restaurant and in restaurant that has a particular theme. 1.6.1 Casual Dining Restaurant Industry Casual dining restaurant industry already been started since late of 1960s, in 1980s it started to specialized into a concepts by create casual atmosphere, expand the menu appeal with alcohol and moderate the food price. Casual dining restaurant try to capture customer attention by create a theme and a brand image that represent a generation of the consumer. Casual dining restaurant also has a wide variety on menu items that can be used for any occasions. They continuously improve their menu choices and offers limited items in limted time so consumers attracted to try and make multiple visits to their restaurant. (Murphy, DiPietro, Rivera and Muller, 2009) Casual dining restaurant has a knowledgeable and higher service level staff compare to fast food restaurants (Muller Woods, 1994). Currently, casual dining is an important segment of the restaurant industry. It is generating $65 billion sales and over 126,000 restaurants in the United States (NRA, 2007). This industry also expected to continue increse on annual sales between 5% and 7% over the next 5 to 10 years (Darden Restaurants, 2006). Quick casual restaurant is a combination of fast food and full service restaurant which offers menus and dà ©cor and it is reflective of casual dining restaurant. This type of restaurant tends to do high sales volume during lunch time and generate profit slightly higher than standard service restaurants. Their guests are commonly adult customers with middle to upper incomes level (Tillotson, 2003). 1.6.2 Customer Satisfaction Factors in Casual Dining Restaurant In casual restaurant, there are some factors can affect customer satisfaction such as the attractiveness of restaurant facilities, distinct food and sufficient level of service quality. Customer satisfaction is one of the most critical marketing priorities, because it is assumed to be an implication of repeat sales, positive word of mouth and loyalties of customer. There are 2 main important aspects in the restaurant industry, (1) tangible (food and restaurant facilities), (2) intangible (interaction between service provider and customer). A proper combination between tangible and intangible aspects will result in customers perception of high service quality in that particular restaurant. The other study also suggested that food quality is the most influence factors affect customer loyalty in restaurant choice (Mattila, 2001). She has indicated top three reasons for customers to patronize their casual dining restaurant were food quality, service, and atmosphere. 1.6.3 Theme Based Restaurant Industry The important charecteristic of theme restaurant service is consumers must present in the consuming process and experience the service delivery by the providers face to face. Customer wants the satisfaction of specific experiences that meet their perception, expectation and satisfy with the personal preference received during their consuming process (Hsieh Chen, 2009). To promote theme restaurant service quality, management starts to focus on Moment of Truth between customers and service providers. Service quality is a communicational aspect, which helps the guest feel the actual warm hospitality showed to them via professional technics and tactics showed in service skills with high quality feeling (Hsieh Chen, 2009). Restaurant frequently develop new menus and offer a selection of different menu items to attract customers (Namkung Jang, 2007). Kivela, Inbakaram Reece (2000) identified menu variety as a significant attribute of food quality in determining customer satisfaction in theme/atmosphere restaurants. To conclude all the studies that have been found, food quality was the most important factors of overall restaurant service quality and is expected to have a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. 1.6.4 Customer Satisfaction Factors in Theme Restaurant To assess customer satisfaction in the service industry, there is one most popular and widely way through an application of expectancy disconfirmation theory (Oh, 1999). The expectancy disconfirmation states that consumer form an opinion about particular service by comparing the actual service given by service provider with their expectations of how is the serive should have been performed (Oliver, 1980). The result from customer satisfaction is whether a customers perception given by service provider meets up to their expectation (Oliver, 1980; 1981). Study found that from all the possible factors that affect customer satisfaction in restaurants, food quality is the most important and powerful factors for customer to return (Oh, 2000). In addition to that, according to study done by MacLaurin and MacLaurin (2000) about Customer Perceptions of Singapores Theme Restaurants, has explored and included food quality as one of the most important elements in theme restaurant, followed by theme concept, service quality, menu, atmosphere, convenience, value, product merchandise and pricing. Moreover, one of the examples from the study found that Hard Rock Cafà © is one if the most successful theme restaurant chains, its in highest rank among its competitiors in terms of food quality (MacLaurin Mac Laurin, 2000). Therefore, it is logic to think that theme restaurants food quality may influence customer satisfaction and result in return intent. Beside quality of food plays important roles in theme based restaurant industry, there is a study done by Bitner, 1992; Wall and Berry, 2007 has provided evidence of how the physical environment influences consumer behavior. The physical environment of the restaurant such as restaurants atmosphere, ambience, dà ©cor, furniture, and other facilities can have a great impact on the dining experience (Sloan,2004) and behavioral intentions (Ryu Jang, 2007). Previous studies found that because of the unique nature of the restaurant service, physical environments could guide consumers in evaluating a restaurant experience (Wall Berry, 2007). Therefore, restaurant with theme based has wide opportunity to develop and play a big role in restaurant industry. Quality of atmosphere in a restaurant can influence customer patronage intention (Wakefield Blodgett, 1994). 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Personal Life of Babe Ruth :: essays research papers

Not all American legends live a wonderful life. For example, there was Babe Ruth. In the early years of the 1900's, the baseball life of 'The Great Bambino' had begun. The legend of Babe Ruth, born George Ruth, Jr., is considered by many to be the greatest baseball player. For instance, everybody knows how great a hitter Babe was, and virtually invented the homerun. But, not everybody knows what a great person he was when it came to children. Babe Ruth possessed the attribute of being brutal and incorrigible. He had many distinct characteristics. He is known primarily for his great baseball exploits and secondary as a man who stayed out late before every game and partied until there was no one left to party with. There is more behind the story of Babe Ruth than just baseball and parties. For instance, as a boy, Ruth was your average youth who got himself into a little too much trouble and really paid the price for it. He stole from stores, he skipped school, and chewed tobacco at the age of seven. His father often beat him because he thought young George was incorrigible. So his father took him to an orphanage. Not only did his father sent him to an orphanage, but signed over custody of his son to the Xaverian Brothers, whom were missionaries that ran St. Mary?s. St. Mary?s was the orphanage that Babe Ruth grew up at. Even though Babe did not realize it at the time, he came into a good thing. That?s where he met Brother Matthias, his mentor. Brother Matthias took young Ruth under his wing and taught him to read, write, do needle work, play baseball, and right from wrong. Ruth showed startling natural talent with a bat, so Brother Matthias tried to round young George into a complete baseball player by teaching him to pitch and outfield. Ruth said, ?Brother Matthi as was the greatest man I ever knew?. Soon after, Babe changed the game of baseball. Ruth is perhaps the most recognized player in Major league Baseball history. Where he was, the fans followed, the attendance was always the greatest in his presence. He is by far America?s greatest sports hero. Aside from being a great ball player, he was also a husband and a father. He cared more for his family than he liked to show. Personal Life of Babe Ruth :: essays research papers Not all American legends live a wonderful life. For example, there was Babe Ruth. In the early years of the 1900's, the baseball life of 'The Great Bambino' had begun. The legend of Babe Ruth, born George Ruth, Jr., is considered by many to be the greatest baseball player. For instance, everybody knows how great a hitter Babe was, and virtually invented the homerun. But, not everybody knows what a great person he was when it came to children. Babe Ruth possessed the attribute of being brutal and incorrigible. He had many distinct characteristics. He is known primarily for his great baseball exploits and secondary as a man who stayed out late before every game and partied until there was no one left to party with. There is more behind the story of Babe Ruth than just baseball and parties. For instance, as a boy, Ruth was your average youth who got himself into a little too much trouble and really paid the price for it. He stole from stores, he skipped school, and chewed tobacco at the age of seven. His father often beat him because he thought young George was incorrigible. So his father took him to an orphanage. Not only did his father sent him to an orphanage, but signed over custody of his son to the Xaverian Brothers, whom were missionaries that ran St. Mary?s. St. Mary?s was the orphanage that Babe Ruth grew up at. Even though Babe did not realize it at the time, he came into a good thing. That?s where he met Brother Matthias, his mentor. Brother Matthias took young Ruth under his wing and taught him to read, write, do needle work, play baseball, and right from wrong. Ruth showed startling natural talent with a bat, so Brother Matthias tried to round young George into a complete baseball player by teaching him to pitch and outfield. Ruth said, ?Brother Matthi as was the greatest man I ever knew?. Soon after, Babe changed the game of baseball. Ruth is perhaps the most recognized player in Major league Baseball history. Where he was, the fans followed, the attendance was always the greatest in his presence. He is by far America?s greatest sports hero. Aside from being a great ball player, he was also a husband and a father. He cared more for his family than he liked to show.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Art and Aesthetics Essay -- Art

Art and Aesthetics Art is usually referred to as the visual arts, where a piece of work is judged through the aesthetics in which it creates. However, art refers to all human endeavors, including the product of oneÂ’s creative impulse. In other words, art does not have to be innovative to be good. I believe art is the communication of an idea, be it visual, musical, communicative or other. Art is the interplay between the conscious and unconscious part of our being, between what is real and what is an illusion; it is the voice of our soul through color and form in a constant search for connection with something beyond. I think of art as the bridge between our souls and the physical world. I see art as both an interaction between our psychological existence and our cultural expression of that existence. Thus, this can include challenging and sometimes disturbing imagery as well as the aesthetically pleasing. The artist's conceptual vision and a personÂ’s ability to translate this to an audience is what transforms the ordinary experience to a historically and culturally significant event. Moreover, art has a purpose. It is a way of reaching out and sending out a message, of opening a different way of communicating something with others, in ways otherwise would not be possible to achieve. Culture definitely plays a big role on the different varieties of art we have in our world today. For example, Japanese adolescents can be seen spending hours of their spare time trying to create animated art, otherwise known as Ââ€Å"manga†. This form of art may not be acceptable to every culture, as it may be seen as being unrealistic childish nonsense. However, to these Japanese adolescents, Ââ€Å"manga† is a valuable work of art. Contemporaries like Andy Warhol may have a different definition of what art is. However, traditionalists may sneer upon WarholÂ’s creation of the CampbellÂ’s soup can as a work of art. Generally, an artistÂ’s surroundings and culture plays a big influence in the type of art he or she creates. Personally, my culture did not play a big role when I was in the midst of working on my artwork. Although I consider myself as an amateur when it comes to art, I believe that if you let your emotions and inspirations guide you, you would be able to produce a fine piece of art. This will make your piece of art original, as it would have come from deep within yours... ...of something to the person who tries to interpret it. Every piece of art is created through the knowledge of something, be it objective or subjective. For example, in an artistic way, a skilled craftsman would have a purpose and message in mind and he adapts and molds materials to fulfill this end. If he is to succeed in conveying his message, he needs to develop his expertise. There is a kind of craftsmanship and intelligence at work in the practice of his art. Whether a ship builder or weaver, he applies his practical knowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœhow, virtuosity, and talent in fashioning objects that he is creating, and he draws upon general principles which he applies to concrete cases. Moreover, art can help a person develop their critical senses. It could give a person an intuition for forming judgments and trying to decipher what the artwork is trying to portray. Knowledge provided by art is very distinct, as it deals with having a good sense of judgment and interpretation. In conclusion, there is no one true definition of art. Art is valued differently, depending on the individual. Different individuals have different views as to what art is; and as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Trip To A Water Park Essay

?Everybody probably feels the need to set aside all the stress and just be free. Sozo Water Park is a place I go to once in a while when I feel this way. Sozo Water Park, or as I call it, â€Å"adventure world†, is a place filled with a lot of fun and excitement. It is somewhere that gives me memories of good times with my family and friends. Although this place might be an ordinary amusement park for some people, it is one of my favorite places of all time. We got off our car and climbed up the big set of steps. After a while, we arrived at the ticket booths and saw people waiting in never-ending line. My family joined the line and soon, it was finally our turn. We got a ticket each for my mom, my dad, my brother, and me. I held the ticket tightly in my hands and went through the security check. It took a while for all my family members — cousins, uncles, and aunts included — to get through. Finally, we all entered. I saw terrifying roller coasters, entertaining games, and huge souvenir shops all around me. The place was very busy since it was crowed with people. I knew it would be an exciting day. All my cousins were big fans of roller coaster rides. I never rode a real roller coaster before, so I just watched others get on. Even though I wasn’t riding, I still got the butterflies in my stomach. Then, as everyone came off the ride, I asked if we could go to the Hurricane Harbor, which was the water park. However, my cousins weren’t done. They said they had to ride the Twister with me. So they forced me into the ride. It seemed endless, but it came to a stop. I got off and everything was spinning. Although the ride made me a little dizzy, I really enjoyed it. Soon, I was able to ride most of the smaller rides there. Finally, it was time for the water park, the part that I was waiting for the most. We went through the long tunnel and reached the Hurricane Harbor. I saw that the whole place was filled with water slides and pools. My cousins and I changed into our bathing suits and rushed into the wave pool. The water was cool and the weather was great. We all jumped when the wave came at us. After a while, we came out and went to the big water slides at the far corner. We carried a big tube up the stairs and waited in line. A few minutes later, it was our turn. We put the tube down and sat on it. At the count of three, our tube started to move down the slide. It was dark in there and we moved fast. We screamed as loud as we could. After a few moments, we came to a drop and fell into the pool of water. We all laughed as we got off the tube†¦.