Sunday, October 6, 2019

Climate Change Essay and development Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Climate Change and development - Essay Example The history has been witness to gradual and abrupt climate change through the millions of years which has been responsible for extinction of living organisms, including plants, animals and human life. The industrial revolution has been catalyst to the exploitation of natural resources like coal, wood and other types of natural resources. The post WWI has witnessed great leap in the advancing technology and increasing exploitation of natural resources like oil and natural gas. In 1970s and 80s, women’s contribution to the development processes had been recognized. In the southern countries like South East Asia, Africa, Australia etc. the exploitation of natural resources have been part of the development processes which have huge implications for environment and sustainable development. World development report asserts that if left unmanaged, the climate change will reverse development progress and compro ­mise the well-being of current and future generations (WDR, 2010). The human threats to the environment comprise of many significant factors that are important ingredients of development process. Population growth in the last quarter of the century saw an unprecedented increase in population bringing new challenges in its wake. Pielke et al. (2003) claim that climate change, causing extreme weather conditions and natural calamities, are much greater when they occur in regions having poor infrastructure, huge populations etc. The fast advancing technology and rapid globalization, including local migration, has adversely affected the ecological conditions. Carbon emission and green house effects are also major factors for climate change. The various drivers of climate greatly contribute towards sustenance of life and determine characteristics and distribution of ‘natural and managed system including the cryosphere, hydrology and water resources,

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