Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Jocelyn Moorhouses How to Make an American Quilt Essay

Jocelyn Moorhouses How to Make an American Quilt - Essay Example However, when she asks Marianna who the latter would marry, Marianna shows her vulnerable side by saying â€Å"I would marry my soul mate† (American Quilt, 1995). Thereby she reveals the incident she has kept with her from her youth: she met a man by chance, and ended up spending the evening with him, only to find out later, after discovering her inner connection with him, that he was married. Marianna has always been brave; she has chosen whichever path her instincts have told her to follow. Perhaps this is why her character is the most colorful out of all the rest, and why she seems to be the most brilliant amongst the members of the quilting bee. Since she has chosen the â€Å"right colors† in the words of Anna (American Quilt, 1995), her life was much enhanced by it. In life, whatever choices we make have a consequence on our personality. A wrong choice does, like Anna says, â€Å"dull the colors and hide the original beauty† (American Quilt, 1995). This message, I would say, resonates in my life. I have always gone by instinct; that is to say, I have always trusted my instincts, without knowing why, and have made choices based on it. One of the reasons I can identify with the character of Marianna in the movie is that, like her, I too follow my hearts desires. This practice has, indeed, enriched my life. I have always been, and still am, my own person. Sometimes this entails going against the grain, however, in the long run, I have noticed, that it always pays to be true to oneself. One has to be brave to stand up to the opposition of one’s peers or your parents, but if one remains true to oneself, I feel one’s life is all the more enriched for that very reason. Just like Marianna in the movie, I can easily say that I have had no regrets in life, because I have always stayed true to myself.

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