Friday, June 14, 2019

The Value of my fee Dollars Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Value of my fee Dollars - Research Paper Exampleat the initial stage, and tax income account for meeting repetitive expenses like salaries, maintenance, student grants/concessions etc. plus projects involving smashing expense but financed by revenue receipts. Initial capital expenditure is met by raising funds from investors, while revenue expenditure is met by the fees paid by students. Laws enacted under the Utah Constitution provide for issue of bonds for higher(prenominal) education capital projects. For example, Chapter 22, Section 107 deals with class room/physical education facility and Section 109 deals with science/major industry building for Salt Lake College community of interests (Utah Code, 2010).chemicals, toiletry etc., to name a few, and these are used by the staff and students. Common facilities like libraries, auditoria, stadia and student/staff rooms require regular guardianship and maintenance. Repair and maintenance of buildings, laboratories and other fa cilities forms another important item of routine expenditure in order that these facilities are maintained properly and kept cutting-edge to attract both faculty and students.One important part of the fee structure in my University is the component that is set apart to service the debt obligations payment of fountainhead and interest components. The State Board of Regents is authorized to issue revenue bonds on behalf of the Salt Lake College Community to finance construction and maintenance of major capital facilities and capital projects of auxiliary enterprises under Sections 107 and 109 of Chapter 22 of the Utah Constitution (Utah Code). Such projects are financed by the student building fees, net auxiliary operating revenues and interest take in (Director, Accounts). As explained by the Director, Accounts, the total fee paid by a student includes among other things, fees for tuition, building debt, technology, athletics, transport, activity etc. My college raised funds by i ssuing revenue

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